TOZ rifle - Wikipedia
TOZ rifles are a family of .22 Long Rifle bolt-action cadet rifles manufactured by the Tula Arms Plant (Russian abbreviation TOZ stands for Tulsky Oruzheyny Zavod). Most notably the TOZ-8, TOZ-17 and TOZ-78 which were used to train generations of …
2017年5月23日 · 苏联toz-8小口径运动步枪是著名的图拉兵工厂在上世纪30年代生产的一种0.22英寸小口径步枪,主要用于初级体育射击训练和打猎,也被苏联红军用于初级射击训练。
Toz Model 8, .22 LR, Short Review – My Random Ramblings
2015年10月26日 · The Toz 8, .22 LR is a simple single shot bolt action rifle, it is light weight and hassle free. The receiver contains bolt and trigger mechanism. There is no magazine, instead a special floor guide helps in loading the round in the chamber.
TOZ-8: detailed review, characteristics, reviews, photos, videos
TOZ-8 is a Soviet single-shot small-caliber rifle of 5.6 mm caliber (or .22 LR). Produced since 1932 at the Tula Arms Plant. The TOZ-8 rifle is distinguished by its simple design, trouble-free operation and high reliability. For many years it was used for initial shooting training in school shooting ranges and DOSAAF.
This TOZ-8 is a single shot .22 LR Caliber bolt-action cadet rifle conceived in 1932 by the designer-gunsmith D. M. Kochetov and serially produced at the Tula Arms Plant. The TOZ-8 is a simple device, trouble-free and reliable in operation.
苏联TOZ-8小口径运动步枪,步枪中的教官 - 每日头条
2016年11月20日 · 苏联toz-8小口径运动步枪是著名的图拉兵工厂在上世纪30年代生产的一种0.22英寸小口径步枪,主要用于初级体育射击训练和打猎,也被苏联红军用于初级射击训练。
苏联TOZ-8小口径运动步枪 - 搜狗百科
2024年12月21日 · 导读:苏联TOZ-8小口径运动步枪是著名的图拉兵工厂在上世纪30年代生产的一种0.22英寸小口径步枪,主要用于初级体育射击训练和打猎,也被苏联红军用于初级射击训练。 这是一种单发无弹仓的旋转后拉枪机步枪,结构很简单,射击精度也很好,苏联运动员伏·古巴列夫曾经用TOZ-8步枪在50米3x20项目中打出了575环的优异成绩 (满环600环)。 发展历程 上世纪50年代,中国仿制了TOZ-8步枪,先是由重庆建设厂生产,后转交河南焦作的中州厂生产,一开始仿 …
Toz 8 - Canadian Gun Nutz
2021年5月26日 · Excellent gun for the price and gives you lots of fun to work on it. I'm not sure the year perhaps from 50's after WWWII. Not sure about the Variant either. TOZ-8M — is a single-shot .22LR, bolt action cadet rifle. It is an improved TOZ-8 that was developed after World War II. [2] TOZ-8OPF — is a single-shot .22LR, bolt action cadet rifle.
TOZ 8 - SSAA Gun Sales
The TOZ-8 is a Soviet-era bolt-action training rifle chambered in .22 LR, designed for cadet and marksmanship training. Manufactured by Tulsky Oruzheiny Zavod (TOZ) in the 1930s, it was widely used in the Soviet Union for basic firearm instruction, including …
"大五五"的故事——记新中国第一支民用小口径步枪Toz-8(上) - 百 …
1955年,是新中国成立第6个年头.此时,大规模战争状态已经结束,整个国家全面转入和平建设,各军工厂的军需生产订单锐减.就在这一年的4月份,位于重庆西郊的中央兵工总局第296厂(两年后增加了大家更为熟知的第二厂名——国营建设机床制造厂),接到了当时主管兵器 ...