Interesting SxS 12g - TOZ-66 made in Tula, USSR - Shotgun Forum
2010年5月29日 · A buddy of mine has an interesting double barrel that he offered to sell to me for $175. It's a 12 gauge side-by-side with exposed hammers and 28" barrels, model TOZ-66. What's interesting is its made in Tula, USSR. Obviously, this is an older gun given the USSR stamp, but it's in very nice condition - blue with what looks like light birch wood.
TOZ-66 Hammered Coach Questions - SASS Wire Forum
2019年8月28日 · After recently picking up a really nice vintage Central Arms Co. hammered SXS, I found a Tula (USSR) manufactured TOZ-66 which was a deal I couldn't pass up. It's in good shape, feels like it's built like a T90 tank, and will do the job albeit with an extra challenge of cocking hammers for Classic Cowboy.
Tula-TOZ-66 - Shotgun Forum
2010年3月2日 · A rabbit eared coach gun has been sold under the Baikal name for a number of years. Not sure if your TOZ-66 is the same as the Baikal IZH43K hammer gun. The latter is valued at $250.- (V.G.) up to $375.- (NIB) depending on condition. I would expect any similar Russian built hammer gun of comparable quality to be in the same price bracket.
New Member and New TOZ-66 Owner - Shotgun Forum
2020年12月6日 · The Toz 66 is a well made gun, not pretty but well made. I have recently sold mine because the hammers were too hard to cock for my old hands, I have previously had two Toz16 gauge hammer guns and they were easy to cock. If you find your gun hard to open and close, look at the extractor, mine required a bit of polishing.
TOZ 66 (Baikal/Tula?) Hammered Double - SASS Wire Forum
2012年2月17日 · Picked up a nice used TOZ 66 manufactured by Tula, USSR hammered double in my quest for Classic Cowboy guns. Locks up tight, opens well, shells shuck great, hammer springs are almost as heavy as I am! Wondered about cutting them, but would prefer to install replacements if at all possible. Have a...
TOZ 66 - The Firearms Forum
2006年6月4日 · toz 66 Jump to Latest 6.3K views 4 replies 3 participants last post by blackhawkkid308 Jul 4, 2006
Tula TOZ-66 - Shotgun Forum
2010年3月8日 · The TOZ-66 were delevoped at the Russian Tulski Oruzheiny Zavod factory in the early 1970's and imported bt the now defunct Universal Sporting Goods company in Florida. It has nice red/brownish stock, hand-grip. There is an number CN-700 inside of the Breech. I have email the company in Russia trice to no avail.
Russian TOZ-66 Story ? - SASS Wire - SASS Wire Forum
2012年6月28日 · Russian 12 gauge double barrel, TOZ-66 with exposed hammers. I am just spit-balling here, but, perhaps an underloaded blackpowder shell & the wad didn't make it out & a reload led to the Ka-Boom-Ski. I got NO BACK STORY ON IT. But there still is commie-cosmoline inside the weapon, and in the "greener like" portion of the barrel lock.
TOZ-63 shotgun, any good? - SASS Wire Forum
2020年9月13日 · Not familiar with the TOZ 63. The 66 is a solid little shotgun and can be competitive! I’ve owned three, one of which won me two state championships and several more Frontiersman 1st place wins. Parts can be difficult, but the two I …
looking for parts - The Firearms Forum
2023年4月23日 · Toz, Tula, Remington Spartan, all made by Baikal. The 66 was made from 1968-1974. Numrich has some 66 parts, use Baikal for a search there. EAA use to import, and had parts for awhile. Check Hog Island Parts and Ebay. Every Gun Part would be your best bet, when they get one in. They are usually a complete gun, minus receiver.