IDTBN - Tuban Port Code - Seabay Logistics
The Terminal is located at Tanjung Awarawar, Tuban on the N coast of Java. The port is managed and operated by Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI). The port has a jetty extending 400m from the shore and a breakwater 1,450m long. There are 3 berths, 1 SPM and a construction dock.
Tuban IDTBN Details: Departures, Expected Arrivals and Tuban …
General overview: The port is managed and operated by Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI) and handles condensate and various petroleum products including LPG and petrochemical liquid bulk cargoes. The port has a jetty extending 400m from the shore and a breakwater 1,450m long. There are 3 berths, 1 SPM and a construction dock.
Tuban Port - shipnext.com
The port has a jetty extending 400m from the shore and a breakwater 1,450m long. There are 3 berths, 1 SPM and a construction dock. The roadstead is open to the NW and NE, and usually a heavy swell sets in. Load line zone: Tropical. Max size: Berths No 4-5: LOA 187m (min 76m), draught 10.6m, 40,000DWT (min 2,000DWT).
Pendirian PT Trans Pacific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI) dimulai dari maraknya industri petrokimia di Indonesia pada awal tahun 90-an. TPPI berdiri pada tahun 1995 berdasarkan PP No. 1/1967 dan PP No. 11/1970 dengan investasi
PT Trans-Pacific Petrochemical Indotama - Tuban Petro
TPPI is engaged in Petrochemical and Energy with the main products produced in the form of aromatic products, especially Paraxylene, Benzene, Orthoxylene, and Toluene. TPPI also produces petroleum, especially Mogas 88/Premium, Mogas 92/Pertamax, Pertadex, Light Naphtha, LPG and Diesel/Solar.
Laporan Pkl Tppi Finish - Documents and E-books
BERTH (Pelabuhan), PT.TPPI memiliki 3 Berth dengan kapasitas dan fungsi masing-masing. Berikut spesifikasi dari tiap Berth yang dimiliki PT.TPPI, antara lain: 1. Berth 3: Melayani mooring tanker ukuran hingga 10.000 DWT, maximum draft tanker 8,5 m 2.
Map TPPI Plant Tuban
Map TPPI Plant Tuban. Head Office. Site Plant. Address. Head Office Menara Sentraya Lt.11 Jl. Iskandarsyah Raya No 1A Jakarta (12160) Indonesia Telp 021-50811060 Fax 021-50811061. Plant Jl. Tanjung Awar-awar Desa Remen-Tasikharjo, Jenu Kab. Tuban 62352.
PT Trans-Pacific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI) dibentuk berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia Nomor: C2-15.020HT.01.01.Th.95 tanggal 21 Nopember 1995. PT TPPI bergerak di bidang Industri Produk dari Pengilangan Minyak Bumi, Industri Bahan Kimia …
Selama ini sejak 2012 TPPI dinyatakan default pengoperasian belum berjalan baik, saat ini restrukturisasi keuangan sudah berjalan baik, sehingga TPPI sebagai perusahaan bisa berjalan sehat. Erick Thohir Menteri BUMN. Pengembangan ini dapat membantu mengurangi impor bahan baku agar negara tidak mengalami defisit kembali.
印尼国油扩产对二甲苯 - 中化新网
2025年2月24日 · 中化新网讯 近日,印尼国油(Pertamina)旗下子公司跨太平洋石油化工公司(TPPI)证实,该公司对此前宣布的在印度尼西亚东爪哇省Tuban扩大对二甲苯(PX)产能计划作出最终投资决定(FID)。
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