AN/FPS-117 - Wikipedia
The TPS-59 was essentially a cut-down version of the FPS-117 split up into several components. The main antenna was mounted on a custom trailer and offloaded at the operational site and then raised and leveled using hydraulic jacks.
AN/TPS-59 - Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance
2018年5月22日 · The AN/TPS-59 is a lightweight, air- and road-transportable, solid-state, three-dimensional air defense radar which provides long-range surveillance and ground-control intercept (GCI) capability in a tactically mobile environment.
全球排名前7的远程预警雷达系统技术介绍 - 知乎
2023年12月29日 · tps-59 是一种全固态 l 波段(ieee 指定)或 d 波段(北约指定)三维防空雷达,可提供远程监视 以及战术机动环境中的地面控制拦截能力。 为美国弹道导弹防御组织 (BMDO) 和 美国海军陆战队,TPS-59(V)3设计用于与HAWK和爱国者一起作战。
The TPS-59 is an all solid-state L-Band, three-dimensional air defense radar which provides long-range surveillance and ground-control intercept capability in a tactically mobile environment. With over 126 radars deployed in seventeen countries world-wide, the …
Ground-Based Air Surveillance Radars - Lockheed Martin
an/tps-59 Developed for the U.S. Marine Corps to provide a mobile long-range surveillance radar capability. It is recognized as the world’s most capable long-range ground-based radar for tactical ballistic missile defense with proven performance during live fire tests.
The TPS-59 radar’s 740 km range and full 360Þ azimuth scan results in a surveillance volume of 603 million km3 for tactical missile defense. Proven in “live fire” tests, the AN/TPS-59(V)3 radar is the most capable long range radar for TBM detection, tracking, and classification in production today TPS-59 TPS-59 GE592 Type 92 FPS-117 FPS ...
AN/TPS-59 (V)3 - Radartutorial
When integrated with HAWK, the TPS-59 (V)3/HAWK system is the most cost effective TMD system currently in production with successfully validated performance against ballistic missiles as well as air breathing threats. The radar has been designed to be rapidly transported by truck, helicopter, or C-130 cargo plane.
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Radar Fact Sheet
The TPS-59(V)3 Radar is the primary long-range air surveillance sensor for the Marine Corps Air Group Tactical Force (MAGTF). When deployed as an integral component of the MAGTF’s Tactical Air Operations Center (TAOC), the Radar provides Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) returns and detections identified as Air
AN/TPS-59(V)3 Radar Set - GlobalSecurity.org
Aviation Radar (AN/TPS-59 (V)3) is a national asset. It is the only fielded ground-based sensor which can detect and track long range Air Breathing Targets (ABT) within 300...
AN/TPS-59战术雷达 - 百度学术
AN/TPS-59是一部最近研制的三座标战术雷达,它具有独特的优点和先进水平.本文简要地介绍了系统的梗概及其机械设计的限制因素和特点.本文还讨论AN/TPS-59雷达在研制过程中的重要事件,并描述了派生型号的构造. 百度学术集成海量学术资源,融合人工智能、深度学习、大数据分析等技术,为科研工作者提供全面快捷的学术服务。 在这里我们保持学习的态度,不忘初心,砥砺前行。