TPz Fuchs - Wikipedia
The TPz Fuchs from Transportpanzer Fuchs is a German armoured personnel carrier originally developed by Daimler-Benz, and manufactured and further developed by Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles (RMMV).
TPZ Fuchs APC (1979) - tank-afv.com
The TPZ Fuchs was the second wheeled vehicle to be accepted into service with the Bundeswehr. It was developed in the 1970s following the trend given by the Soviet BTR family, Swiss Piranha or French VAB. Specifications asked for a vehicle which presented the perfect balance between protection, mobility and carrying capacity.
【APC】TPz-1..1964年,联邦德国陆军提出发展战后第二代中吨位(3.5~10t)轮式车辆的要求,驱动型式包括(4×4)、(6×6)和(8×8)的装甲车和战术卡车。 所有车辆都应能水陆行驶,并尽量采用民用部件,以降低车辆成本
TPz 1 Fuchs - full review - specifications
The TPz 1 Fuchs ("Fox") is a German armored personnel carrier (APC). It was adopted into service in 1979, manufactured by Rheinmetall AG. The APC is part of a family of combat vehicles including 4×4 (Condor UR-425), 6×6 (TPz 1 Fuchs), and 8×8 (SpPz 2 Luchs) models.
Rheinmetall Landsysteme Transportpanzer 1 Fuchs (TPz 1) - Military Factory
2019年2月14日 · Available supported armament, ammunition, and special-mission equipment featured in the design of the Rheinmetall Landsysteme Transportpanzer 1 Fuchs (TPz 1) 6-Wheeled Armored Personnel Carrier (APC). Nightvision - YES - PASSIVE FOR DRIVER. Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Protection (CBRN) - YES.
Transportpanzer 1 Fuchs - WarWheels.Net
Different variants of the Fuchs (past and present) include the Ambulance, APC, Battlefield Surveillance Radar Vehicle, Command Vehicle, Electronic Warfare Radio Jamming Vehicle (EloKa "Hummel"), Electronic Warfare VHF Radio Directional Finder (EloKa "HELAS"), Engineer Vehicle, Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Detection Vehicle (NBC), Radio ...
TPz Fuchs - Military Wiki | Fandom
TPz (Transportpanzer) Fuchs ("fox") is an armoured personnel carrier developed by Daimler-Benz and built by Thyssen-Henschel[1] in 1979. It was the second wheeled armoured vehicle to be fielded by the Bundeswehr. It is used for tasks including troop …
Transport tank 1 Fox Transportpanzer 1 Fuchs - GlobalSecurity.org
2013年9月19日 · The Fuchs TPz-1 [transport tank 1] wheeled (6x6) APC, created by Thyssen-Henschel, was adopted in 1979. Around 1,000 of them were delivered to the Bundeswehr. The bulk of them are special-purpose...
Fuchs 1 TpZ - Army Recognition
2024年7月6日 · The FUCHS TPz1 is a German 6x6 armored vehicle personnel carrier developed by Daimler-Benz and built by Thyssen-Henschel in 1979. The latest variants of the vehicle are marketed by the German Company Rheinmetall Defence. The first production vehicle was handed over to the German Army, which also calls the vehicle the Fuchs, in December 1979.
TPz-1装甲输送车 - 百度百科
TPz-1装甲输送车(英文:TPZ Fuchs [1]),是德国研制的一种轮式装甲输送车,1964年开始研制,1970年量产装备部队 [2]。 1964年, 联邦德国 陆军提出发展战后第二代中吨位 (3.5~10t)轮式车辆的要求,驱动型式包括(4×4)、(6×6)和(8×8)的装甲车和战术卡车。 所有车辆都应能水陆行驶,并尽量采用民用部件,以降低车辆成本。 1964年 联邦德国 蒂森·亨舍尔公司、MAN公司等5家公司组成了总设计局,决定联合研制样车。 戴姆勒- 奔驰 (Daimler-Benz)公司虽未参加 …