TQQQ | Elite Trader
2025年1月8日 · TQQQ was trading at less than a dollar when it was started in 2010. If I had invested 10k and bought 10,000 shares, I would be sitting on 800k now as it is trading at 80 today. Compared to that, QQQ was trading at $50 in 2010 and now it’s at 515. That same $10,000 would have bought me 200 shares in 2010 and I would be sitting on &103,000 gain ...
TQQQ | Page 2 - Elite Trader
2025年1月9日 · TQQQ is a daily 3X leverage so it resets everyday. It depends on the path of 500 to 1000. If it goes straight up with minimal drawdowns say no drawdown >10% it will do well.
TQQQ | Page 3 - Elite Trader
2025年1月8日 · Don't be surprised if tqqq is under 40 bucks in the next 6 to 12 months. Actually it wouldn't take much for tqqq to drop in half. If you get a sizeable sell off tqqq could be trading in the 30s again! Going to take alot of earnings power …
Long TQQQ vs Short SQQQ - Elite Trader
2020年11月10日 · I was bored so I used one of my recent QQQ strategies to see if going Long TQQQ or short SQQQ is more profitable. Backtest is from September 2019 to today. (This is just a curve fitted backtest, not claiming any real profitability here.) This does not include borrowing fees. Cumulative log returns using TQQQ: 258% Cumulative log returns using ...
TQQQ vs QQQ 22 Years Simulation - Elite Trader
2021年3月3日 · As TQQQ was created in 2010, there was no data older than 2010. I did a simulation from 1999 when QQQ was created.
Hedging the wheel - Elite Trader
2022年9月16日 · TQQQ gives great premiums, due to it's extreme volatility and therein lies the double-edged sword. So, if you have the opportunity to get out of the trade, I would recommend it. I assume your short puts will be assigned soon (maybe this weekend?) - just write calls against your stock and lower your cost basis and if you can get out at B/E, then ...
TQQQ an OK investment over the long run? For a 401k
2022年11月17日 · The fact TQQQ is already in a ~75% DD from peak should tell you all you need to know about what it can do to your money. You have to treat it as a bet with 100% downside (position sizing via Kelly criterion et al). Of course, the attraction is a potential for asymmetric upside if you know when to exit.
ETF arbitrage day vs swing trades, eg TQQQ vs SQQQ
2019年8月24日 · well said; great points! true re "dollar volatility adjusted sizing" is a pita, eg X# shares TQQQ means Y# shares SQQQ since priced differently. key is to focus on strongest trending pair of the morning; eg 2day highs; eg it's 10am and SQQQ is up above prior day high, so TQQQ under pd low; Now put in buy stop orders for both & scale into winner ...
TQQQ vs QQQ 22 Years Simulation | Page 2 | Elite Trader
2021年3月3日 · In early 2008, TQQQ drop to 40( the lowest was about 16) while GOLD was 90. If I move GLD profit into TQQQ, today I would make 159 times profit. If I move all GLD into TQQQ, I would make 318 times profit. If 2008 bear market did not happen and TQQQ never drop below 40, I would make 20 times profit.
TQQQ... - Elite Trader
2021年5月20日 · Just keep in mind that a simple 20% drop in the nasdaq and SOXL, FNGU, TQQQ and LABU will all lose more than half their value in only weeks time. I usually trade these handful of triple etfs after they have fallen substantially, had recently bought some of these on May 11th and 12 while nasdaq was in free fall and sold out everything today.