Trace5 - Ruptela
Trace5 is a compact GNSS-based vehicle tracker designed for efficient vehicle tracking and fleet management. With 4G connectivity and a premium GNSS module, it ensures reliable and accurate data transmission, making it suitable for logistics, delivery, utility services, and more.
Ruptela Trace 5 4G LTM GPS Tracker (Global) - Fleetthings
Ruptela Trace 5 LTM 4G (Global IP67 Version) This IP67 Rated GPS tracker uses LTE CAT M1 connectivity and a premium Ublox GPS module. Heavy Duty, Plug & Play type GPS tracker that can be installed in harsh environments and connect with multiple accessories.
RUPTELA TRACE5 USER MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
1.1 Trace5 Product Information About Trace5 is a compact GNSS-based telematics device designed to perform a wide range of tasks for fleet management, tracking, safety, and security. A wide choice of models provides connectivity options for every region. The device is available in the following variations: ·...
vehicle tracking and fleet management. It acquires its position with a GNSS signal and transfers data to a. server via cellular LTE Cat M1, NB-IoT or GSM networks. U-blox. – 1 x digital input (invertible) for pre-revision Trace5-LTM. ** – 1 x analog input for pre-revision Trace5-LTM. *** – not available for pre-revision Trace5-LTM.
Localizador Vehicular 2G y 4G/ Rastreo / Conducción eficiente
TRACE5 es un rastreador compacto de vehículos con todas las características necesarias para rastrear vehículos y gestionar flotas. El rastreador utiliza conectividad 2G y LTE Cat M1 (4G) y un módulo Premium GPS de Ublox. Compatible con todas las funciones y muchas más de su predecesor el ECO4LIGHT3GT. Aplicaciones.
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DIN4* 5 Yellow Digitalinput4 AIN1 3 Grey Analoginput1 AIN2* 4 Green Analoginput2 DOUT1 8 Purple Digitaloutput1 DOUT2 9 Orange Digitaloutput2 1WPwr* 12 White/Red 1-WirePower 1W Data* 10 Green/Yellow 1-WireData *–Notavailablewithpre-revisionTrace5-LTMdevices. PhysicalCharacteristics
Swimbait - Trace 5" - 6th Sense Fishing
The Trace 5” swimbait has the same 4-piece body that produces a life-like swimming action. The smaller, more compact, and bite size profile allows the Trace 5” to be extremely versatile on all bodies of water. With three different models, floating, slow sinking, and fast sinking, the Trace 5” will allow you to fish the depths of your choice.
6TH SENSE Trace 5" Multi-Jointed Swimbait - Amazon.com
2023年2月1日 · Versatile Fishing: The Trace 5” swimbait features a compact 4-piece body, offering life-like swimming action and versatility across all water types. Multiple Depth Options: Available in floating, slow sinking, and fast sinking models, allowing you to target fish at various depths with precision.
Trace5 LTE CAT-1 EMEA approved by Secure Path - Ruptela
Trace5 is a compact GNSS-based Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) tracker with all essential vehicle tracking and fleet management features. It suits logistics, delivery, utility services, car rental, and vehicle financing use cases. This GNSS tracker uses 4G (GSM) connectivity and a premium GPS module from Ublox.
Trace5 - dispositivo de localización GPS avanzado | Ruptela
Trace5 es un rastreador de vehículos compacto basado en GNSS diseñado para el seguimiento eficiente de vehículos y la gestión de flotas. Con conectividad 4G y un módulo GNSS de primera calidad, garantiza una transmisión de datos fiable y precisa, lo que lo hace idóneo para servicios de logística, reparto y servicios públicos, entre otros.