Trade Remedies - U.S. Customs and Border Protection
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) is enforcing new trade remedy measures for duties and quotas on imported goods. The Trade Remedy Branch was established to coordinate CBP’s implementation, enforcement, and communication on our trade remedy programs.
Trade Remedies - United States Trade Representative
Trade remedies are actions taken in response to subsidies (countervailing duties), sales at less than fair value (antidumping) and import surges . Three separate WTO agreements deal with these topics: the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (the Subsidies Agreement); the Agreement on Implementation of Article VI (the Antidumping ...
Home - Trade Remedies Data Portal
The Data Portal contains statistical information on trade remedy actions taken by WTO Members for each given reporting period, provides links to Members' notifications and lists information on all anti-dumping and countervailing duty actions included in Members' semi-annual reports.
2021年8月23日 · remedy unfair trade practices and to help domestic industries adjust to sudden surges of fairly traded goods. The three most frequently applied U.S. trade remedy laws permit the imposition of
Trade Remedies: Why do we need them and how do they work?
What are trade remedies, why do we need them and how do they work? The term “Trade remedies” is usually applied to measures that governments can implement in three specific cases of perceived abuses in international trade in goods.
An Introduction to U.S. Trade Remedies
Antidumping and countervailing duty trade remedies have been successfully pursued by a variety of domestic industries, including producers of steel, industrial equipment, computer chips, agricultural products, textiles, chemicals, and consumer products.
贸易救济 - MBA智库百科
主动贸易救济是指我国 (进口国)企业或政府主管部门主动向外国 (出口国)企业或政府提起反倾销、反补贴和保障措施的贸易救济。 我国主动贸易接济的法律制度比较完备,操作性强,而且完全符合WTO规则。 包括《对外贸易法》,2001年国务院在1997年《反倾销和反补贴条例》的基础上修订颁布的《反倾销条例》、《反补贴条例》、《保障措施条例》,2004年3月31日分别做了修订。 最高人民法院于2002年12月4日《关于审理反补贴行政案件应用法律若干问题的规定》,2003 …
Trade Remedies: Ensuring a Free and Fair International Trade …
2021年5月12日 · As our economy begins to rebound from the devastation brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, trade remedies are essential component of building back better. They defend American jobs, help level the playing field for American businesses and industries, and contribute to a fair and equitable international trading system.
Trade remedies - Trade4MSMES
Trade remedies are border measures applied by governments on imports of a product where the total imports have surged (safeguards) or the imports are dumped or subsidized (anti-dumping and countervailing measures, respectively); and where the imports in question have been found to have injured the competing domestic industries.
Trade Remedies: Antidumping - Congress.gov
Trade Remedies: Antidumping. CRS PRODUCT (LIBRARY OF CONGRESS) Hide Overview . CRS Product Type: Reports: Publication Date: 09/10/2020: Author: Casey, Christopher A. Download PDF (1MB) Disclaimer: These documents were prepared by the Congressional Research Service (CRS). CRS serves as nonpartisan …
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