TrakCare - National Health Laboratory Service
Securely access and manage your laboratory results with TrakCare from the National Health Laboratory Service.
TrakCare EMR & Healthcare Information System | InterSystems
TrakCare is a flexible and powerful healthcare information system for delivering, managing, and transforming care. It keeps all participants engaged, connects systems and processes seamlessly, and enables change without adversely impacting critical clinical, administrative, and business operations.
TrakCare | InterSystems - China
TrakCare远程医疗与Microsoft Teams、Google Meet和Attend Anywhere的整合为患者和医疗服务提供者提供了便利,使其更容易实施有效的 "数字前门 "(Digital Front Door)患者参与战略。 InterSystems公司医疗解决方案负责人Don Woodlock为TrakCare用户介绍了新的支持FHIR、集成Apple Healthkit的COVID-19疫苗接种管理解决方案。 该解决方案实现了患者队列识别、疫苗调度和疫苗接种数据管理。 它也包括患者的自我管理时间表。 您可以通过合作伙伴 …
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TrakCare 概述
TrakCare 是一个统一的解决方案,它预先配置了随时可用的工作流程、电子病历(EPR)视图、页面设计以 及其他关键系统元素,以满足当地市场需求,从而缩短部署的时间,降低实施风险,提高用户的使用率和满意度。
医用软件 - TrakCare - InterSystems - 分析 / 报告 / 控制
您可以使用TrakCare将患者信息转化为情报,在医护人员的正常工作流程中进行呈现,以便医护人员进行解释,采取相关行动。 当医疗机构完成日常的患者护理活动时,TrakCare正在评估基于证据的规则。
InterSystems TrakCare® unified healthcare information system is trusted by leading healthcare providers in 25 countries, and consistently receives top customer satisfaction scores through KLAS Research.
医用软件 - TrakCare - InterSystems - 临床 / 用于手术室 / 规划
TrakCare指导用户完成常见任务,并创建结构化数据和叙事记录。 支持医疗专业护理 针对专科和辅助服务预先配置评估和的指导性临床文件,确保所有重要患者信息都能在一个统一的记录中被采集和共享。
Lab Results
Securely access your lab results online with the NHLS Lab Results service.
TrakCare | InterSystems - United Kingdom
TrakCare is a flexible and powerful healthcare information system for delivering, managing, and transforming care. It keeps all participants engaged, connects systems and processes seamlessly, and enables change without adversely impacting critical clinical, administrative, and business operations.
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