Trangia: Duossal vs Hard Anodized | Classic Camp Stoves
Aug 30, 2009 · I see $84.99 as a price for both the 25-21 DUOSSAL STOVE KIT(The one with Duossal frypan) & 25-23 DUOSSAL STOVE KIT (The one with a non-stick frypan). I just called Liberty Mountain. That is the retail price and they are waiting for Trangia to let them know of the shipment. So, it may be very soon.
Trangia: Duossal vs Hard Anodized | Page 6 - Classic Camp Stoves
Apr 5, 2012 · The windscreen off a Groninger cook set… Just like the Sigg, only smaller… Here shown with the duossal inner pot off a Trangia 25… The same 25 inner pot, but with the windscreen from a Sigg Tourist… The skillet from a duossal …
Trangia - choice of material in 2021 | Classic Camp Stoves
May 27, 2021 · I have two 27s in Duossal, and a more recently-purchased one 25 with Duossal pots and pan and HA windscreens (which Trangia doesn’t offer as a set: I had to buy and combine the individual parts). I quite like Trangia’s HA finish. It is supposedly somewhat more durable than the basic unanodized aluminium, and to my eyes it is much better ...
Trangia DuoSSAL - Classic Camp Stoves
May 1, 2009 · Well done! I believe the Duossal cooksets are the best that Trangia offered, and that the Sigg equivelent, Inoxal, is also fantastic. Our favorite, by far!! One thing that you might try, when cooking eggs, is to cut the heat from the Trangia burner, by closing down the simmering ring, and going a bit slower in the frying department.
Trangia Non-Stick Vs Duossal Frying Pans | Classic Camp Stoves
Apr 3, 2020 · If I fry bacon in the duossal I have to use som oil or butter, in the non-stick I don't need anything. The duossal is fairly easy to clean though, never needed to scrub them with anything abrasive. And they last a lot longer than the non-stick pans. I agree about the trangia X2, its rubbish for anything but boiling water. Especially with liquid ...
Trangia: Duossal vs Hard Anodized | Page 2 - Classic Camp Stoves
Apr 5, 2012 · Trangia 25-21UL/D Duossal 2.0 Cookset ..... 125.20 USD With Duossal frypan. I know it will be available in the US, soon enough, so I will wait to see if the price is as it used to be listed on Liberty Mountain website.
Trangia: Duossal vs Hard Anodized | Page 3 - Classic Camp Stoves
Apr 5, 2012 · My thanks to Petromark for posting this topic re Trangia duossal vs hard anodized credit again fumes re latest duossal version 2.0 ... "the steel in 2.0 is 0,3mm thick, the former version was 0,2mm." I am cross referencing into this thread: observations by kerophile and Campy. RE: Campy's Duossal purchase, specifically the SS layer:
Finished my Duossal upgrade. - Classic Camp Stoves
May 23, 2020 · Looks like I finished my upgrade to Duossal just in the nick of time. I started upgrading my Trangia 25-2 and 27-2 to Duossal pots and frying pans last year. I bought the pots last October. Two weeks ago, I looked around and noticed that any remaining Duossal was dwindling away and the prices were starting to skyrocket.
Trangia: Duossal vs Hard Anodized | Page 5 - Classic Camp Stoves
Oct 5, 2021 · Regarding the DuoSSal pots, yes, we've taken them on hikes, and such, but more use it for car camping. However, when backpacking, or hiking , the DuoSSal, can still be used, if cooking is planned in advance. We have UL Trangia pots, too, but still prefer the DSl pots. Works for us. "Mixing and Matching", as you suggest, is all a great way to go!
Trangia 25-7 Stainless - Classic Camp Stoves
Apr 23, 2017 · I bought mine SS 25-8 Trangia 1996. It was cheaper than that non-sticky red one, probably because there was already Duossal available and stainless steel wasn't tempting. If I remember correctly Duossal was much more popular and was unavailable then. I also bought gas burner (GB70?) Which looks a bit different than Trangia Gas Burner nowadays.