Transfăgărășan - Wikipedia
Transfăgărășan în 1974. Transfăgărășanul a fost construit între anii 1970 – 1974, la inițiativa lui Nicolae Ceaușescu.Deși la momentul respectiv România avea deja mai multe treceri ale Carpaților Meridionali moștenite dinainte de perioada comunistă (Șoseaua Alpină Novaci-Săliște ori vechea Șosea Câmpina-Predeal) sau făcute în primii ani ai regimului (drumul Bumbești ...
Transfăgărășan - Wikipedia
The Transfăgărășan (trans + Făgăraș; Hungarian: Transzfogarasi út) or DN7C is a paved mountain road crossing the southern section of the Carpathian Mountains of Romania.It has national-road ranking and is the second-highest paved road in the country after the Transalpina.It starts near the village of Bascov, near Pitești, and stretches 90 …
Transfagarasan | Drum | ⛅️ Vremea | ️ Cazare | Atracții
Nov 12, 2024 · Drum 🛑 PARȚIAL ÎNCHIS 🛑 până pe 01 Iulie 2025 sau mai devreme. Cazare de la 58 de Lei/noapte. Starea vremii în timp real. Ghid complet al tuturor atracțiilor turistice de pe Transfăgărășan.
⛅️ Weather | ️ Rooms | Travel Guide - Transfagarasan
Nov 12, 2024 · Nicknamed "the road from the clouds" and "The Great Dragon" or "The Dragon" and cherished as "Manole's Dream", but especially appreciated as the most beautiful high-altitude road in the world, Transfăgărășan is certainly among the most loved paved routes of in our country and deserves to be loved both for the continuous spectacle it provides and for the history, legends and stories ...
Transfagarasan: The Ultimate Guide to Romania’s Famous Road
Transfagarasan Road Itinerary Piteşti. Just over 70 miles from Bucharest is Piteşti, known for its historic buildings, cafés, and retail shops.. There’s not a huge amount to see in Piteşti, but as you’re passing through you should definitely visit the Piteşti Prison Memorial.This prison was where political prisoners including intellectuals and members of the ruling class were tortured ...
Transfagarasan: Probably the Best Road in the World - Uncover …
Initially, Nicolae Ceausescu, Romania’s communist dictator, argued the road served key military purposes since a Russian invasion was always possible. The outcome was, however, completely different. When the Transfagarasan finally opened, it became a propaganda landmark and a major tourist attraction. Óf course, Nicolae Ceausescu was the first to take advantage.
Transfăgărășan - Munții Făgăraș - Muntii Fagaras
Muntii Fagaras: Transfăgărășanul traverseză pe o lungime de 151 km, pe axa nord-sud, Munții Făgăraș, cel mai înalt lanț muntos din România, ce face parte parte din Carpații Meridionali, DN7C numit Transfăgărășanul este un drum național spectaculos, ce leagă regiunea istorică a Munteniei cu Transilvania, construit între anii 1970 – 1974...
CUM SI DE CE S-A CONSTRUIT TRANSFAGARASANUL? Lung de 90 km, Transfagarasnul (Drum National 7C), traverseaza Muntii Fagaras, realizand legatura dintre barajul Vidraru (Judetul Arges) si Carnisoara (Judetul Sibiu). Transfagarasanul a fost construit intr-un timp record – doar 4 ani jumatate (din martie 1970 pana in 20 septembrie 1974).
The Transfagarasan - Fagaras Mountains - Muntii Fagaras
Nov 17, 2022 · Transfagarasan. Between November 17, 2022 - June 15, 2023, Transfagarasan road is closed. Crossing over a length of 151 km, from north to south, Fagaras Mountains, the highest mountain range in Romania, which is part of the Carpathians, DN7C called Transfagarasan is a spectacular highway which connects the historical region of Wallachia and Transylvania , built between 1970-1974.
Transfagarasanul – cel mai frumos drum din lume - Blogul …
Aug 3, 2018 · Situat in muntii ce gazduiesc cel mai inalt varf din tara, Moldoveanu, unde altitudinea este de 2544 de metri, Transfagarasanul, cu ale sale serpentine naucitoare, formeaza un peisaj unic in care natura poate fi surprinsa in cele mai spectaculoase ipostaze.