  1. Copilot 答案

    How and When to Stop Swaddling — A Swaddle …

    • Experts recommend that you stop swaddling your baby when she starts trying to roll over, which can happen around 2 months. While your baby may not actually roll overuntil 3 or 4 months, it is safest to stop … 展开

    How Do You Transition Out of A Swaddle?

    After wrapping and unwrapping your baby more times than you could possibly count, … 展开

    What to Expect
    How Do I Get My Baby to Sleep Without Being swaddled?

    It’s understandable that you might worry your baby won’t sleep as well without her swaddle. But rest assured, even if your baby initially has a tough time transitioning, she'll eventually … 展开

    What to Expect