Understanding the terms translucent vs. transparent
2017年3月3日 · The Wikipedia article on Transparency and Translucency says essentially the same thing but with more detail. In other words, a translucent medium allows the transport of light while a transparent medium not only allows the transport of light but allows for image formation. The opposite property of translucency is opacity.
optics - What is the difference between the words transparent and ...
This is an example of how diffusion causes translucency: As light passes through a translucent object, it either enters or exists a rough surface that causes light to reflect and refract at a bunch of different angles. This causes the image through the glass to be very blurry.
What determines how transparent a material is?
2020年2月28日 · The opposite property of translucency is opacity. Basically this part of your question is about the material being translucent or opaque. The answer to this question is that the photons as they interact with the material, can either be: reflected, that is, if a material reflects most of the incident photons, like metals, or shiny materials,
What is difference between transmission and transparency?
2018年9月11日 · In that excerpt, does 'transmission' mean 'transparency'? I don't think so, but, I'd like to know exactly difference between transmission and transparency. Also, in that sentence, what does bleaching mean?
optics - What is the connection between the refractive index of a ...
2017年5月3日 · Firstly, the refractive index is not the only factor that sets transparency or otherwise. Witness the examples of sheet ice and snow: a material's internal structure is also a strong factor. So, it's clear we should concentrate on materials that are either crystalline or otherwise optically homogeneous.
optics - Why is water clear? - Physics Stack Exchange
However, there is one last piece to the water transparency (in visible light) jigsaw that I don't believe has been talked about and that is water is a liquid. This means it can't be rivven with internal cracks and flaws. Sometimes opaqueness is caused by scattering and aberration rather than the absorption I speak of above. This is why snow is ...
optics - Refractile vs translucent - Physics Stack Exchange
2016年11月6日 · The opposite property of translucency is opacity. Transparent materials appear clear, with the overall appearance of one color, or any combination leading up to a brilliant spectrum of every color. Comparisons of 1. opacity, 2. translucency, and 3. transparency; behind each panel is a star. Image Source and Extract: Wikipedia
formula for transparency of very thin film of metal
2012年7月11日 · Is there formula that gives transparency of very thin film of given metal (tens of nanometers) to the visible light/light of given wavelength ? Which properties of metals are needed for the formula ? I need to know which thickness of aluminium has 40% transparency to …
optics - Why aren't all insulators transparent, since they have a …
2017年8月17日 · reconcile transparency with energy band in solids. 0. Semiconductor and Fermi level in semiconductor. 0.
Transparency of solids using bandgaps and relation to conduction …
But transparency is based on photon interaction with these energy levels. This naievely suggests that insulators are more likely to be transparent. But this is not always true. What am I missing in the difference between the way electrons behave in the band model and photon interaction vis-a-vis transparency ? $\endgroup$ –