TN Long Cask (TN-LC) The TN-LC is an NRC-licensed transport package designed to safely handle used nuclear fuel from • research reactors, • commercial reactors (single assembly), • irradiated pins to support post-irradiation examinations, • and other irradiated contents. The TN-LC has been designed to accommodate
The New TN EAGLE Transport Cask - usa.orano
The TN Eagle® is considered as the newest addition to the Orano Type B fleet of transport casks. This paper will provide an update of this project and will include the design, licensing, and first fabrication of this new product, as summarized below.
Canisters & Casks - usa.orano
Orano TN is an expert manufacturer and service provider of NRC-licensed packages (canisters, casks, cylinders) for managing, storing, and transporting radioactive materials. Canisters and cylinders are used to contain nuclear material. Casks are used to …
Transportation - Holtec International
Three transportation casks designed by Holtec International and licensed by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commissioning (NRC), HI-STAR 190, HI-STAR 100 and HI-STAR 100MB (HI-STAR is an acronym for Holtec International Storage Transportation and Repository) could be used to move used nuclear fuel from the reactor sites to the HI-STORE CISF. The HI ...
Universal Transport Cask BENEFITS • Versatile: Able to transport nine different types of used fuel canisters and various waste containers • Usable for intact or damaged fuel • Max. 32kW heat load • Max. quantity of radioactive material: 70,000 Ci of Co-60 equivalent activity IDEAL FOR.....shipment of variety of canisters,
Transport casks - SKB.com
2021年2月8日 · Radioactive waste is packed in different types of casks. These can be made of steel, concrete or even sheet metal. Medium level waste has to be shielded and is cast into casks of concrete or steel at the nuclear power plants. It is then transported in transport casks with thick (7–20 cm) steel walls, depending on the type of waste.
HI-STAR - Holtec International
The HI-STAR system is engineered to store spent nuclear fuel in a vertical orientation and to transport it horizontally. These overpacks meld the roles of a nuclear pressure vessel and a robust transport device.
Transportation | NAC International
NAC-LWT (Legal Weight Truck) cask system is the industry workhorse of U.S. commercial spent nuclear fuel transportation casks, and has been used for many types of solid and liquid wastes. The transfer cask is used to move canisters of fuel from the …
Transport Services | NAC International
NAC International offers a full range of spent fuel transportation services to utilities, companies and governmental entities thanks to a large fleet of spent fuel transport casks and a proven team of transport cask operators, engineers, and management experts.
Transport casks for radioactive materials - La Calhene 3.0
Transport casks are shielded containers for the transfer and transport of high activity and contaminating materials. LaCalhene supplies two types of transport cask: PADIRAC and AGNES, each with integrated DPTE® double door system for safe transfer without breaking containment.
Transportation and Storage Casks - Robatel Technologies
With over 1,000 Type A, Type B, and IP2 casks developed, we provide a full range of solutions, from compact nuclear medicine packages to large-scale spent fuel transportation units. Our extensive capabilities include design, engineering, testing, and certification, ensuring each cask meets the highest safety and regulatory standards.
Transportation Systems | NAC International
NAC International has developed a full range of nuclear material packaging and transportation casks. We have obtained over 150 NRC-approved licenses or license amendments for our transport system designs, as well as numerous worldwide license certificates and validations. NAC’s current transportation systems include:
Nuclear Fuel Cycling-Related Equipment | Kanadevia Corporation
A cask is a container used to safely transport and store spent nuclear fuel from nuclear power plants. The term "metal cask" refers to fuel storage casks with a body made of thick metal. Casks confine radioactive substances contained in spent nuclear fuel, and offer all the safety functions of radiation shielding, heat removal, and ...
Containers for the transport of radioactive waste - atb.group
Te "Transportation Casks" is an high-tech container suitable for transport nuclear fuel (NF) and for depleted or exhausted nuclear fuel. Dimensions: the cask has a length of about 6 meters with a diameter of about 2.5 meters. Weight: the weight of the cask complete with closures is …
TN International manages the transport of our customer who delivered the fuel to La Hague. For this activity of transport we have developed a large fleet of casks. New generation of cask has started to be used in 2008 and are named TN®112, TN®117, new casks such as …
Transportation Of Spent Nuclear Fuel | NRC.gov
2023年5月16日 · The NRC regulates spent fuel transportation through a combination of safety and security requirements, certification of transportation casks, inspections, and a system of monitoring to ensure that requirements are being met.
First HI-STAR 180D Dual Purpose Cask Loaded in Belgium
2 天之前 · Dry Cask Storage and Transportation. HI-STORM; ... This cask was licensed for transport by the USNRC in 2014 and by the Belgium’s Federal Agency for Nuclear Control (FANC) in 2021. The final approval for on-site storage was granted by another Belgian authority (abbreviated as BelV) in 2024. The design metrics of the HI-STAR 180D casks is best ...
licensed cask design for both storage and transportation of commercial spent nuclear fuel. NAC’s orders for nearly 700 transportable nuclear fuel systems worldwide includes delivery of twelve NAC-STC casks. The NAC-STC is a steel/lead/steel multi-wall cask. It is dual-purposed for the storage and rail transport of canisters or bare fuel.
Fabrication Technology for Storage and/or Transport Casks Based …
Based on design and fabrication technology cultivated in many years of experience, KSL and TNT are advancing the development of new type casks such as TK type cask for the domestic nuclear power plant.
designed and manufactured CASTOR® casks for the transport and storage of spent fuel assemblies, of which by now almost 1,500 casks have been loaded and stored worldwide. Any of these casks fulfil the function of dual-purpose casks by having granted type B(U)F