Alstom Traxx - Wikipedia
Alstom Traxx (sold as Bombardier TRAXX before 2021) is a modular product platform of mainline diesel-electric and electric locomotives. It was produced originally by Bombardier Transportation and later Alstom, and was built in both freight and passenger variants.
庞巴迪TRAXX - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
庞巴迪TRAXX,其注册商标全称为高灵活性的跨国铁路应用机车平台(英語: locomotives platform for Transnational Railway Applications with eXtreme fleXibility ) [1] ,是一个由庞巴迪运输为中型货运及客运铁路运输所制造的模块化系列机车的统称。
庞巴迪TRAXX - 百度百科
基于第三代traxx平台开发的traxx f140 ms,在德国被定型为186型。 它被认为是TRAXX F140 MS2的衍生版本,作为一个额定功率5600千瓦、支持四电压制式可用于交流电及直流电系统的机车,其中还包括前一段所叙述的所有修改。
Bombardier Traxx – Wikipedia
Die Traxx 2 ist eine Weiterentwicklung der Traxx-Baureihen, gegenüber welchen sie als augenfälligste Änderung einen überarbeiteten Lokkasten besitzt. Die Änderung erfolgte, um den neuen, strengeren Sicherheitsnormen bezüglich Crashfestigkeit zu genügen und ist an leicht nach unten gezogenen Ecken am Lokkasten und den Frontklappen zum ...
Traxx. The story of Europe’s top-selling locomotive
2023年11月2日 · Traxx 2.0. The upgrade of the platform did not stop, and in 2004, Traxx 2.0 appeared, in which Bombardier Transportation combined AC and DC technologies. An electric locomotive representative of this generation is the F140 AC2.
loco-info.com - Bombardier TRAXX 2
The TRAXX 2 was created by modernizing the electronics and improving the crash safety of its predecessor. Its individual variants can be distinguished from the TRAXX 1 by the suffix two. The AC variant for freight trains, called the F140 AC2 here, …
Traxx Universal locomotives: Optimised for passenger and
Traxx Universal locomotives are used to operate freight or passenger trains at speeds up to 200 km/h. Offering a great variety of configurations for different catenary voltages, signalling systems, traction requirements, for single or multiple-country operations, and allowing multiple traction with other locomotives or pulling / pushing ...
Traxx 2 platform
The modular properties of the 2nd generation of Traxx locomotives made it possible for Bombardier to integrate a multi-system version. Major innovation, in respect to the first Traxx generation is the introduction of a complete new body design, addressing the new European TSI guidelines on crash safety.
MainlineDiesels.net - TRAXX DE (ME)
The main argument to develop the TRAXX 2E platform was to make it possible to integrate a locomotive with diesel-electric propulsion into the family, and to increase modularity in general once more. Bombardier finally achieved to develop one platform based on the four main pillars: DC electrics, AC electrics, multisystem electrics and diesel ...
Electric Locomotive. - Maerklin US
Prototype: TRAXX 2 E F140 MS (E 186) general-purpose locomotive painted and lettered for Euro Cargo Rail SAS, Paris, authorized to operate in Germany. Dual system locomotive with 4 pantographs. Built by Bombardier as a regular production locomotive from the …