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Kardex is a global industry partner for intralogistics solutions and a leading supplier of automated storage solutions and material handling systems.
Totes, Bins & Trays Storage Solutions - Kardex
Kardex provides state-of-the-art automated vertical and horizontal systems that efficiently save space and store goods in totes, bins and tray storage.
周转箱、物料盒和托盘仓储解决方案 | 卡迪斯 - Kardex
Kardex提供了先进的自动化垂直和水平仓储系统,可有效节省空间并将货物存储在周转箱、物料盒和托盘中。 周转箱、料箱和托盘存储 客户优势 解决方案 深入了解 作为自动化存储和检索系统(ASRS)的优秀供应商,Kardex可提供满足您需求的定制化解决方案。
Totes, Bins & Trays Storage Solutions - Kardex
Store a combination of trays and bins in the Kardex Miniload-in-a-Box tote handling system. Achieve high order picking performance based on your bin cycles and number of order lines. Store items, bins, totes or cartons on trays within the Kardex Shuttle. It is optimal for managing goods with different heights, sizes and weights in one unit.
卡迪斯中文官方网站 | Kardex Remstar
使用全新的自动化料箱存储系统来优化您的内部物流流程。 这种精确的存储和分拣系统将在节省空间的同时,显著改善订单履行流程。 垂直升降式仓储系统,还是垂直回转式仓储系统? 哪种自动化存储和检索系统更适合您的仓库? 了解它们的差异,并获... 是时候采用自动化了 | Hella存储区的占地面积减少了80%。 (数据来自卡迪斯集团及客户统计及计算) 了解Hella如何缩短漫长的搜索时间以及如何尽量减少存储空间... 这家技术性批发公司依靠Kardex来减少步行时间和整合 …
Kardex Handling Solutions
Enhances security and safety with controlled access to specific trays; Saves floor space by up to 85%; Improves pick accuracy; Eliminates operator bending, reaching and climbing for better ergonomics; Expands workflow and inventory options through flexible modular design
The Kardex Miniload-in-a-Box * belongs to the product family of the Vertical Buffer Module (VBM) and provides solutions for fast-growing product ranges with limited storage space. The system uses a lightweight mini-load crane with a telescopic gripper to individ-ually transport bins or trays to the access opening point. The energy consumption
XP Vertical Lift Module - Kardex Storage Systems
The modular VLM has vertically arranged trays that are stored in the front and rear of the unit. Using Cubestar® technology, the XP automatically scans every tray to find the ideal storage location within the system in increments of one inch to provide maximum storage density.
Vertical Lift Module Kardex Shuttle
The Kardex Shuttle 250/500 is a flexible solution for storing and easily accessing small-volume articles. With a tray width of 4,050 mm (159.5 in), it loads up to 560 kg per (1,234 lbs) tray. The Kardex Shuttle 250/500's compact unit design allows it to adapt to space requirements, offering maximum storage volume in minimum floor space and a ...
Vertical Lift Modules | Kardex Shuttle 250 / 500 / 700 / 1000
With a tray width of 4,050 mm (159.5 in), the Kardex Shuttle 250/500 can handle loads up to 560 kg (1,234.6 lbs) per tray. It’s compact design allows it to adapt to space requirements, offering maximum storage capacity in a minimal footprint with a maximum height of 30 m (98.4 ft).