Total Recordable Case Frequency (TRCF) Calculator
Total Recordable Case Frequency (TRCF) Calculator » Find more HSE jobs, documents and support on EntirelySafe.com
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The LTI Benchmarking system enables Members to compare their LTIF as well as their TRCF, both of which have been described by the Oil Companies’ International Marine Forum (OCIMF) in its Marine Injury Reporting Guidelines. Once a Member enters its data, the LTIF and TRCF are calculated, sorted from low to high and two bar graphs are generated.
安全工时术语表 - 百度文库
14.可记录事件总数频率(trcf)-每1百万工时发生的可记录事件总数,也被称为总事故率。 15.基本容量损失(LOPC)-加工或存储过程中有计划或不受控制地释放作为基本容量的有害物质(气体、液体或固体)。
Safety performance - Shell Sustainability Report 2017
Total recordable case frequency (TRCF) injuries per million working hours. Enlarge image View this chart on the interactive chart generator Process safety. In line with industry standards, we measure and report according to the significance of the incidents, with Tier 1 as the most significant. In 2017, our process safety performance deteriorated.
“TRCF”指什么? - 百度知道
2024年6月8日 · TRCF,即Total Recordable Case Frequency的缩写,直译为“总可记录病例频率”。 这一术语在学术和科学领域中有着特定的应用,主要用于统计和分析可报告的病例数据。 中文拼音为“zǒng kě jì lù bìng lì pín lǜ”,它主要用于描述某一特定范围内可被记录和追踪的病例发生的频率。 TRCF的流行度主要在与疾病监控、公共卫生、安全评估等相关的研究和报告中。 在学术分类上,它属于Academic Science类别,特别是在统计分析、风险评估和预防措施制定中扮演 …
百万工时安全指标统计方法.doc 13页 - 原创力文档
2017年2月15日 · 第十八条 总可记录事件人数TRC(Total Recordable Case):包括死亡人数(FTL)、损工人数(LTC)、工作受限人数(RWC)、医疗处理人数(MTC)四项。 第十九条 百万工时死亡率FTLR(Fatality Rate):每百万工时的员工死亡人数。 第二十条 百万工时死亡事故率FTIR(Fatality Incident Rate):每百万工时的员工死亡事故的起数。 第二十一条 百万工时损工伤亡发生率LTIF(Lost Time Injury Frequency):每百万工时的损工、伤、亡的人数。 第 …
Marine Injury Reporting Guidelines by OCIMF - studylib.net
TRCF = (LTIs + RWCs + MTCs) x 1,000,000 Exposure Hours As an example, if a shipping company had three LWCs, one PTD, one PPD, four RWCs and five MTCs during a year in which their fleet personnel had 5,000,000 exposure hours then their TRCF would be calculated as follows: TRCF = (3 +1 + 1 + 4 + 5) x 1,000,000 = 2.80 5,000,000 Note: These ...
Glossary of HSE Terms - pdo.co.om
TRCF (Total Reportable Case Frequency) The Total Reportable Case Frequency is the number of Total Reportable Cases per million Exposure Hours worked during the period.
TRCF计算方法详解 (trcf如何计算) - 函数计算
2025年3月2日 · TRCF,即时间相关色度系数(Time-Related Colorfulness Factor),是一个用于评估图像颜色鲜艳程度和色彩变化的指标。 在图像处理和色彩科学领域,TRCF的计算对于图像质量评估和色彩管理具有重要意义。