Thespesia garckeana - Wikipedia
Thespesia garckeana / ˌ θ ɛ s ˈ p iː ʒ ə ˌ ɡ ɑːr k i ˈ æ n ə,-ˈ ɑː n ə / (also known by its synonym Azanza garckeana) is a tree in the family Malvaceae, found throughout the warmer parts of …
Goron Tula Fruit (Snot Apple): Medicinal Benefits, Other Uses
2022年3月28日 · Azanza garckeana, popularly called Goron Tula fruit (kola of Tula), or Snot Apple, is available in abundance in the Tula village of Kaltungo Local Government Area of …
Harvesting Tree Snot - YouTube
Once the tree is tapped, locals use these clever makeshift containers—half of a plastic bottle—to collect the precious sap. The best quality gum is collected during summer. As the weather gets...
Tree Snot? - Knighton Wild
2023年10月31日 · If you’ve been watching the series you’ll already know the answer to this one – “Tree Snot” is in fact the egg mass of a Caddisfly. Some species lay their eggs on leaves …
Goron Tula: The Uses, Health Benefits, And Side Effects.
2024年7月4日 · Goron Tula (Hausa) is a “miracle fruit” that is occasionally referred to as African chewing gum, Thespesia, or Silky Kola. Goron Tula is also known as Tree hibiscus and Snot …
The Health Benefits And Side Effects Of Goron Tula
Goron Tula is a fruit popularly known as silky Kola. It is also known as tree hibiscus, Thespesia, and snot apple. Goron Tula originated from Nigeria. From Tula kaltungo Local government, …
Azanza garckeana - Trees for Zambia
Common Name: Tree Hibiscus, Snot Apple, Chinga, Mukole, Muneko, Mkole Plant Family : Malvaceae (Mallow Family) Sub-family: Malvoideae Growth Form, Habitat and Distribution: …
It’s not snot - The Daily Campus
2017年11月14日 · Tree snot, the result of a bacterial disease in trees, is an oozing of nutritious fermented fluid that many insects are attracted to. It’s sort of like kombucha. If you were …
(Anadendrum) - Botanical Realm
2024年12月10日 · Known colloquially as "Tree Snot," Anadendrum is a fascinating genus within the plant kingdom that showcases nature's exceptional ability to adapt and thrive. Skip to content
Do You Know What A Snot Apple Is? - Garden America
2021年6月27日 · The African Bubblegum Tree, Thespesia garkeana, is a delight to any African youth that knows the sweet, sticky snotty fruit. Also known as a Snot Apple, this gives you an …