符合教規的食物 (猶太教) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
符合猶太教教規的食物 (希伯來語: כָּשֵׁר , / kɑːʃɛər /,英語: Kosher,在当代中国犹太社团中普遍音意译为 可食 或 洁食[1][2] 或 寇修)是符合 犹太教饮食规定 (科谢鲁特)的食材,含「潔淨、完整、無瑕」之意。 相關規定除了限制了可食動物的種類外,其屠宰及烹調方式亦受影響。 「園中各樣樹上的果子,你可以隨意吃,只是分別善惡樹上的果子,你不可吃,因為你吃的日子必定死。 」(創2:16-17) 如創世紀所言,對於廣義的蔬果雜糧,目前只要是人類所能種出來的 …
What Is Treif? - The Spruce Eats
2022年9月13日 · The word treif is a Yiddish word that refers to any food that is deemed unkosher (i.e. forbidden under Jewish law). The word is derived from the Hebrew word treifah (or terefah) which means something that is torn or mangled.
What Does “Treif” Mean? - Chabad.org
In common parlance, anything that is not kosher is also called treif. So a mixture of milk and meat can be called treif, as is the flesh of a non-kosher species. Then, moving beyond the confines of food, any action can be informally referred to as treif.
Kosher foods - Wikipedia
Kosher foods are foods that conform to the Jewish dietary regulations of kashrut (dietary law). The laws of kashrut apply to food derived from living creatures and kosher foods are restricted to certain types of mammals, birds and fish meeting specific criteria; the flesh of any animals that do not meet these criteria is forbidden by the ...
Treyf | My Jewish Learning
prohibits eating flesh torn by beasts, and so the word treifah came to stand in for all forbidden foods. Traditional Jewish practice forbids the consumption of some types of food (certain varieties of animals, animals slaughtered by any but the accepted method, the blood of mammals or birds) and some combinations of foods (roughly, meat with ...
What Is Treif? - Savory Suitcase
2024年7月13日 · Treif, derived from the Hebrew word “terefah” meaning “torn,” refers to any food that’s not kosher – or, in other words, not fit for consumption according to Jewish dietary laws. Think of it as the culinary equivalent of a red light: stop, don’t eat! But treif isn’t just about forbidden foods.
Treif: Non-Kosher Food according to Jewish Law - Ahavat Israel
Any animal or fowl which, as a result of a birth defect, disease or inflicted wound, suffers from a mortally defective organ or limb (or an animal close to death) may be considered a Treifah. …
Treif Food | Rabbi Elchanan Lewis | Ask the Rabbi | yeshiva.co
There are two major issues in your situation. 1. Are you allowed to cook non-kosher food? 2. Are you allowed to feed the children non-kosher food? The Torah mentions there is a prohibition to cook milk with meat even if you don't eat it at all. Even cooking milk in a meat pot or vice versa can be prohibited by Torah law.
Word Of The Day: Treif - Food Republic
2011年9月28日 · For those in the know, all non-kosher food is referred to as treif. Originally the term (which derives from the Hebrew word for "torn") was only applied to meat that was literally "torn in the field," but in our more relaxed modern times treif can be used to describe any type of non-kosher fare.
Treif - Slang Meaning and Examples - FastSlang
Treif is a slang term used primarily in Jewish communities to describe food that is not kosher. It can also refer to anything that is considered impure or unacceptable within the context of Jewish law and tradition.