Terefah - Wikipedia
Terefah (Hebrew: טְרֵפָה, lit. "torn by a beast of prey"; plural טריפות treifot) refers to either: A member of a kosher species of mammal or bird, disqualified from being considered kosher, …
What Does “Treif” Mean? - Chabad.org
Treif (also written trayf, treyf or traif) is the Yiddish word that means “unkosher.” It is an adaptation of the Hebrew word treifah, which describes something that has been mangled or torn …
符合教規的食物 (猶太教) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
名單首先把動物分成「潔淨」與「不潔淨」(希伯來語: טְרֵפָה ,英語: treifah or treif )兩類。後者不但不可食用,亦不可接觸其屍體,甚至連氣味都不能接觸,否則直到晚上均屬不潔,並須 …
Terefah | Kashrut, Dietary Laws & Dietary Restrictions | Britannica
terefah, any food, food product, or utensil that, according to the Jewish dietary laws (kashruth, q.v.), is not ritually clean or prepared according to law and is thus prohibited as unfit for Jewish …
Treif (also written trayf, treyf or traif) is the Yiddish word that means “unkosher.” It is an adaptation of the Hebrew word treifah, which describes. something that has been mangled or torn …
Treif: Non-Kosher Food according to Jewish Law - Ahavat Israel
Any animal or fowl which, as a result of a birth defect, disease or inflicted wound, suffers from a mortally defective organ or limb (or an animal close to death) may be considered a Treifah. …
Treif in the Torah: Not Just for Dogs Parashat Mishpatim ... - Sefaria
2022年1月28日 · The word treyf is derived from the Hebrew word treifah, which appears several times in the Bible and means “flesh torn by beasts.” The Torah prohibits eating flesh torn by …
Treyf - My Jewish Learning
The word treyf is derived from the Hebrew word treifah, which appears several times in the Bible and means “flesh torn by beasts.” The Torah prohibits eating flesh torn by beasts, and so the …
The laws of Treifos: Understanding Chalak/Glat Kosher meat, …
Nekuva: A hole in a vital organ deems the animal a Treifa. For example, a hole in the brain, or esophagus, or the lungs. Most of the laws of Treifos deel with the types of holes in different …
TEREFAH Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of TEREFAH is the meat of animals killed accidentally or by beasts of prey and forbidden to the Israelites as food.