Rolls-Royce Trent - Wikipedia
In July, Rolls-Royce was to supply its Trent 600 for the 767-400ERX and Boeing 747X, while the European Union was limiting the Engine Alliance offer on quadjets. [46] The 68,000–72,000 lbf (300–320 kN) Trent 600 was scaled from the Trent 500 with a swept fan diameter raised to 2.59 m (102 in) for a higher bypass ratio and lower fuel burn.
Rolls-Royce Trent 500 - Wikipedia
The Rolls-Royce Trent 500 is a high-bypass turbofan produced by Rolls-Royce to power the larger A340-500/600 variants. It was selected in June 1997, [1] first ran in May 1999, [2] first flew in June 2000, and achieved certification on 15 December 2000. [3] .
The Trent’s three-shaft configuration provides six main modules of rotating and static stages: the fan; intermediate pressure compressor (IPC); high pressure compressor (HPC); high pressure turbine (HPT); intermediate pressure turbine (IPT); and low pressure turbine (LPT).
遄达民用涡扇发动机系列 - 百度百科
26片超塑成形/扩散粘结的无凸台宽弦空心钛合金风扇叶片。 榫头沿长度方向作成圆弧形,允许轮盘小,从而减小了轮毂比,增大空气流通量。 中压压气机 8级轴流式。 转速7000r/min。 核心流量比-524G/H的大。 进口导流叶片和前2级整流叶片可调。 整个转子用钛合金焊成一体,第1级轮盘在盘心处向前伸出一段,形成与前轴颈相连的短轴。 后2级转子叶片采用与气流方向垂直的设计,称为“正交”叶片,工作时叶根有附加弯矩,但效率较高。 高压压气机 6级轴流式。 转 …
R-R offers Trent 600 for 767-400ERX and 747X - Flight Global
2000年7月24日 · Rolls-Royce is in talks with Boeing about supplying a common version of its Trent 600 engine to power both the proposed 767-400ERX and 747X family. The move, expected to be revealed officially at...
By September 1992, the 94.6 in (240 cm) Trent 600 for the MD-11 was abandoned and prototypes were rebuilt as Trent 700 engines for the A330 with a 97.4 in (247 cm) fan.[7] In keeping with Rolls-Royce's tradition of naming its jet engines after rivers,[8] this engine is named after the River Trent in the Midlands of England.
History of Trent engines - Airliners.net
2016年8月22日 · The Trent 600 was a planned engine for the 747-500X, 747-600X and 767-400ERX. When Boeing cancelled those programs, RR cancelled their development. USER_MINI_PROFILE
劳斯莱斯瑞达 - 百度百科
空中巴士为加强a340-500/-600的竞争力,曾计划研制新款的发动机,取代原有的特伦特500系列,令其更有力与波音777-200lr及777-300er竞争。 但随著空中巴士宣布研发A350XWB(涵盖A340市场),以免令特伦特1500系列变成幻想。
Rolls-Royce Engines: Trent - Graces Guide
Trent 600 (second proposal) In July 2000 Rolls-Royce signed an agreement with Boeing to offer the Trent 600 engine on developments of 767 and 747 aircraft. The 767 variant was to be a new longer-range version of the Boeing 767-400ER to be powered by the Trent 600 and Engine Alliance GP7172, although in the end this aircraft was never launched.
Trent 500 - Rolls-Royce
Trent 500 for the Airbus A340 family. Specifically designed for the A340, sole power plant for A340-500 and 600 aircraft. Available with 53,000lb or 56,000lb take-off thrust. Fuel efficiency enables ultra-long haul operation. Meets all latest noise and emission requirements, with margin.
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