TrES-2b - Wikipedia
TrES-2b (also known as Kepler-1b or GSC 03549-02811b) is an extrasolar planet orbiting the star GSC 03549-02811 located 750 light years away from the Solar System. The planet was …
TrES-2 b - Science@NASA
2024年12月7日 · TrES-2 b is a gas giant exoplanet that orbits a G-type star. Its mass is 1.49 Jupiters, it takes 2.5 days to complete one orbit of its star, and is 0.03568 AU from its star. Its …
TrES-2b - 百度百科
TrES-2b是美国国家航空航天局(NASA)利用开普勒太空望远镜在银河系中发现一颗“比炭还黑”的行星。 这颗新发现的行星大小约和木星相仿,距离其中央母恒星仅有大约300万英里(约 …
TrES-2b - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
TrES-2b 或稱 克卜勒1b (Kepler-1b),是一個環繞著 天龍座 恆星 GSC 03549-02811 (TrES-2)的 太陽系外行星,距太陽系750光年。 TrES-2b於2011年被確認是表面最暗的系外行星, …
'Darkest' world enlightens astronomers about mysterious light-gobbling ...
2011年9月26日 · Recent analysis on a planet dubbed TrES-2b has found that it probably absorbs 99.9 percent of the light that strikes it, more than any other known cosmic entity, according to …
GSC 03549-02811 - Wikipedia
GSC 03549-02811 (sometimes referred to as Kepler-1, or either TrES-2A or TrES-2 parent star in reference to its exoplanet TrES-2b) [7] is a binary star system containing a G-type main …
TrES-2 - Wikipedia
TrES-2 (TrES-2b、ケプラー1b)とは、 太陽系 から750 光年 離れた位置にある 太陽系外惑星 で、 GSC 03549-02811 と呼ばれる 恒星 の周りを 公転 している。 2011年にはTrES-2が恒 …
TrES-2 | NASA Exoplanet Archive
Three Transits of the Exoplanet TrES-2.
TrES-2 - Open Exoplanet Catalogue
The planet TrES-2 b is a Hot Jupiter orbiting the star GSC 03549-02811. Kipping and Spiegel (2011) identified it as the darkest known exoplanet, reflecting less than 1% of the light that hits …
TrES-2b | Astronomy Wiki | Fandom
TrES-2b (TrES-2 or Kepler-1b) is an extrasolar planet orbiting the star GSC 03549-02811, located 750 light years away from Earth in the constellation Draco. The planet has been identified in …