A tRNA fragment, tRF5-Glu, regulates BCAR3 expression and …
One such tRF, a 5’ fragment of tRNA-Glu-CTC (tRF5-Glu), is processed from the mature tRNA-Glu and is shown in this study to be expressed in ovarian cancer cells. We confirmed that tRF5-Glu binds directly to a site in the 3’UTR of the Breast Cancer Anti-Estrogen Resistance 3 (BCAR3) mRNA thereby down regulating its expression.
Radiotherapy plus a self-gelation powder encapsulating tRF5 …
2025年2月10日 · To target tRF5-GlyGCC in HCC cells, we synthesized the tRF5-GlyGCC inhibitor (tRF5-Gi), a kind of single stranded nucleotide. However, the naked single stranded nucleotide against tRF5-GlyGCC may show low efficiency in inhibiting tRF5-GlyGCC due to its rapid degradation by nucleases in the blood and undergo rapid renal clearance in vivo, which ...
The nuclear poly(A) polymerase and Exosome cofactor Trf5 is …
Several TRAMP components (Air1, Air2, Mtr4, Trf4, and Trf5) and two catalytic Exosome subunits (Rrp44 and Rrp6) were tested (Fig. 7A). Both Trf4 and Trf5 were significantly coenriched across the rDNA transcriptional unit with a maximum level of interaction at amplicon 11.
The Importance of AGO 1 and 4 in Post-Transcriptional Gene ... - PubMed
2020年11月20日 · We have recently shown that a tRNA-derived RNA fragment (tRF) from the 5'-end of mature tRNA encoding GluCTC (tRF5-GluCTC), a recently discovered non-coding RNA, is functionally important for RSV replication and host gene regulation at the post-transcriptional level. However, how tRF5-GluCTC carries out the gene regulation is not fully known.
An emerging role of the 5′ termini of mature tRNAs in human …
2022年2月1日 · Combining 5'-tiRNAs and tRF-5 into a single category: 5′-tRFs, we summarized that 5′-tRFs are equipped with unique enrichment and functional advantages. 5′-tRFs participate in carcinogenesis and progression. As new biomarkers, 5′-tRFs are of great help to the diagnosis and treatment in diseases.
Regulatory roles of tRNA-derived RNA fragments in human pathophysiology
2021年12月3日 · Advancement in deep-sequencing technologies have revealed the presence of abundant expression of functional tRNA-derived RNA fragments (tRFs). They are either generated from precursor (pre-)tRNA or mature tRNA. They have been found to play crucial regulatory roles during different pathological conditions.
Identification and Functional Characterization of tRNA-derived …
2013年2月1日 · In this study, we have analyzed the global expression profile of sncRNAs in RSV-infected airway epithelial cells by Illumina ultra-high–throughput sequencing in order to identify functionally important sncRNAs. We found that RSV led to tRNA cleavage, resulting in an abundant induction of tRFs.
tRFs and tRNA Halves: Novel Cellular Defenders in Multiple …
Viral infection may induce tRF production in host cells. tRF5-Glu-CTC represses target mRNA expression in a non-canonical miRNA manner and promotes RSV infection . Furthermore, tRF5-Glu-CTC targets the 3′-UTR of the anti-RSV protein E receptor-2 (APOER2) and interacts with AGO-1, AGO-4, and P protein to control RSV replication [ 39 , 58 ].
Unique tRNA Fragment Upregulation with SARS-CoV-2 but Not …
2023年12月28日 · We found tRF5 expressions to be distinctively upregulated in CoV2-infected cell lines and nervous system-related KEGG pathways to be enriched among downregulated genes specific to CoV2.
The Importance of AGO 1 and 4 in Post-Transcriptional Gene
2020年11月20日 · We have recently shown that a tRNA-derived RNA fragment (tRF) from the 5′-end of mature tRNA encoding GluCTC (tRF5-GluCTC), a recently discovered non-coding RNA, is functionally important for RSV replication and host gene regulation at the post-transcriptional level. However, how tRF5-GluCTC carries out the gene regulation is not fully known.