Evidence that thyrotropin-releasing hormone and a hypothalamic ...
We have compared the effectiveness of TRH and a rat hypothalamic PRL-releasing factor (PRF; previously incubated with rat serum to destroy TRH) in stimulating the release of PRL into the plasma of conscious lactating rats when injected before and after pituitary PRL had been depleted and transformed …
Prolactin Releasing Factor - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
TRH is the principal hypothalamic factor that stimulates the release of TSH from the anterior pituitary in vertebrates and it is also known as a prolactin-releasing factor. In this review, we have summarized our understanding of the action of TRH in the …
TRH Regulates the Synthesis and Secretion of Prolactin in Rats …
In mammals, TRH acts as a PRF that promotes prolactin release , and it is regulated by a cascade of several different signaling pathways, including those that regulate TRH-induced prolactin synthesis and secretion. When TRH is coupled to the Gq protein, it binds to the Gq protein-coupled TRH receptor and is able to induce MEKK activation via ...
(五)催乳素释放抑制因子与催乳素释放因子 - drhuang.com
随后,又在下丘脑提取液中发现还有一咱能促进腺垂体释放PRL的因子,称为催乳素释放因子(prolactin releasingfactor,PRF)。 将下丘脑提取液中的TRH分离出去,仍具有PRF活性,说明下丘脑提取液中PRF活性不是来自TRH。
Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone - an overview - ScienceDirect
Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone (TRH) is a hormone that stimulates the synthesis and secretion of TSH and triggers the synthesis of PRL. AI generated definition based on: Pituitary Tumors, 2021
第二节 下丘脑的内分泌功能(当前章节内容组合) - 《生理学》 - 中 …
下丘脑促垂体区肽能神经元分泌的肽类激素,主要作用是调节腺垂体的活动,因此称为下丘脑调节肽(hypothalamus regulatory peptide,HRP)。 近20多年来,从下丘脑组织提取肽类激素获得成功,并已能人工合成。 1968年Guillemin实验室从30万只羊的下丘脑中成功地分离出几毫克的促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH),并在一年后确定其化学结构为三肽。 在这一生成成果鼓舞下,Schally实验室致力于促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)的提取工作。 1971年他们从16万头猪的下丘脑中 …
Prolactin-releasing factor (PRF) in porcine hypothalamic extract ...
Extracts of porcine hypothalamic fragments (HF) bring about the release of prolactin when injected into estrogen-progesterone pretreated male rats. To determine the extent to which this prolactin-releasing activity (PRA) is attributable to thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and/or vasopressin (VP), …
Evidence that Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone and a …
We have compared the effectiveness of TRH and a rat hypothalamic PRL-releasing factor (PRF; previously incubated with rat serum to destroy TRH) in stimulating t
Comparative studies of prolactin secretion in estradiol-primed and ...
Since ether exposure appears to stimulate prolactin secretion in both estradiol-primed and non-primed male rats through PRF secretion, while TRH was not able to stimulate a significant amount of prolactin secretion in the normal male rat, we concluded that TRH acts to stimulate prolactin secretion in estradiol-primed rats but through a ...
下丘脑调节肽 - 百度百科
下丘脑调节肽包括九种,分别是促甲状腺激素释放激素(trh)、促性腺激素释放激素(gnrh)、生长激素释放抑制激素即生长抑素(ghrih)、生长激素释放激素(ghrh)、促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(crh)、促黑素细胞激素释放因子(mrf)、促黑素细胞激素释放抑制 ...