Double Bass - Triad Pairs - TalkBass.com
2004年7月30日 · Hey Good Duck! I am also interested in triad pairs and a particular pattern using two major triads a whole step apart works well on bass. The pattern consists of a major triad and then a major triad in it's 1rst inversion. ex. (Gtriad, 1rst inv. A) g,b,d,c#,e,a.
Triad Pairs for Bass! - TalkBass.com
2006年10月15日 · I'm assuming by "triad pairs" the subject is the same as what most folks refer to as "stacked chords." Maybe I'm wrong on this. In any case, you are correct to play the second chord in the way you notated it. CMAJ is the root chord, the GMAJ defines the upper extensions (g, b and d), which results c, e, g, b, d, which is a CMAJ9 chord.
John Goldsby BP Triad Pairs Articles/Lessons - TalkBass.com
2005年2月12日 · Enjoy the benefits of a premium membership! Upgrade Account. Forums. New posts Forum list Search forums
Double Bass - Triad Pairs | Page 2 - TalkBass.com
2009年12月10日 · For me, practicing triad pairs was and is just the logical extension of practicing triad arpeggios. We do not set out practicing triads in order to "put a bunch of triads in our improvised solos." We practice triads because they are building blocks of music, just like 7th chords, or "hexatonics"...
Double Bass - simple question! - TalkBass.com
2010年8月3日 · In the book, the triad pairs covered are : Two Major triads a tritone apart (i.e. C maj, and F# maj) Two Major triads a whole step apart (i.e. C maj, and D maj) One major triad and one minor triad a whole step down (i.e. C Maj, and Bb minor) Two major triads one half step apart (C maj, and Db maj)
Triad Pairs | Page 3 - TalkBass.com
2010年1月18日 · Thanks Andrew. A first step would be to own all triads . . . first in one octave, then in inversions, then from the lowest possible note on the bass...
Pentatonic substituitions | Page 2 | TalkBass.com
2021年11月15日 · I would just get Janek Gwizdala's "Practice to Performance" book. If you go through that, you'll learn a lot about the melodic minor and how to use it and also get into using triad pairs, which is also contained in that book, without tying your brain in knots. Plus it's geared toward bass players so it'll make more sense.
Double Bass Gmaj7,#9,#11 - TalkBass.com
2012年12月30日 · I like a G whole half diminshed scale (I like the A nat. better than G# even though it is in the melody-I think the G# is more of a passing tone to the G nat.). Try this scale- G Bb B D Eb F# G- not sure what it is called, but another symmetrical scale. It contains the G triad and two notes of the F# triad.
A Review Of The Players School of Music, Part 3 (Jeff Berlin's School)
2000年3月29日 · - practicing various pieces of Charlie Banacos material obtained from a bassist passing through my town (ii-V7-I's, triad pairs, etc) - practicing through material from the PSOM Chord Studies book (primary subordinate substitutes in all 12 keys, etc)
Double Bass Whats the technical term for the petrushka chord?
2014年6月8日 · It consists of two major triads set a tritone apart. For example a C major triad and a F# major triad player at the same time. In this case the notes would be: C - E - G F# - A# - C# I've tried making this into a single chord and the easiest I've managed to find is C7#11(addb9) and line it up like this: C - E - G - Bb - Db - F#