Tribal Rust Luts - lutstory.com
Package Details 23 LUTs for your Tribal Rust Style Videos and Photos Package Features: 23 LUTs Installation Guide Package Formats Cube Look XMP 3DL DNG MGA ICC with Open Broadcaster Software Follow us
20 Tribal Lightroom Presets & LUTs - Envato Elements
In this bundle, you'll receive Lightroom desktop presets, Lightroom mobile presets, Capture One profiles, and video LUTs. Ideal for wedding, portrait, and fashion photography.
Fresh LUTs
The world's largest collection of free LUTs Over 3 Million Downloads”The
tribal presets | The World of Graphics and Design
20 Tribal Lightroom Presets & LUTs Vintage film presets for an of-the-moment expression. These presets give you dramatic film-like colors with a hint of grain. In this bundle, you'll receive Lightroom desktop presets, Lightroom mobile presets, Capture One profiles, and video LUTs. Ideal for wedding, portrait, and fashion... Dogma Resource Oct ...
20 Tribal Lightroom Presets & LUTs - MasterBundles
In this bundle, you’ll receive Lightroom desktop presets, Lightroom mobile presets, Capture One profiles, and video LUTs. Ideal for wedding, portrait, and fashion photography.
- 评论数: 14
TribalBuilt Pro LUT
Introducing TribalBuilt Pro LUTs - the ultimate tool to speed up your color grading process. This LUT comes with a LOG version and a standard version to cater to any type of footage. With its warm and vibrant tone, rich contrast and saturation, it's perfect for drone footage, outdoor and indoor shoots, including darker spaces like the gym.
20 Tribal Lightroom Presets & LUTs - Design Bundles
In this bundle, you'll receive Lightroom desktop presets, Lightroom mobile presets, Capture One profiles, and video LUTs. Ideal for wedding, portrait, and fashion photography.
20 Tribal Lightroom Presets & LUTs - GraphicRiver
Buy 20 Tribal Lightroom Presets & LUTs by sparklestock on GraphicRiver. Vintage film presets for an of-the-moment expression. These presets give you dramatic film-like colors with a hint of...
20款复古电影磨砂滤镜LR预设+LUT预设 20 Tribal Lightroom Presets & LUTs
2022年5月8日 · 在此20款复古电影 磨砂滤镜 LR预设+ LUT预设 中,您将收到Lightroom桌面预设,Lightroom移动预设,Capture One配置文件和视频LUT。 婚礼,人像和时尚摄影的理想选择,更多平面设计教程、海外UI设计、高端样机素材、设计软件、字体下载尽在酷社网. ️完整的Lightroom电脑端和手机端支持。 ️视频LUT(3dl, cube, look, mga, OBS)。 ️使用内置的不透明度滑块微调预设强度。 ️速度优化,因此您可以更快地进行编辑。 ️不会改变照片的白平 …
电影级免费LUTs调色预设下载 - 八羊调色大师
80個唯美旅遊風景LUT調色預設包下載适合抖音剪映 兼容索尼佳能等設備