苜蓿素 | 520-32-1 - ChemicalBook
苜蓿素 (tricin)是天然黄酮的一种,广泛分布于禾本科、大戟科植物中,具有抗炎、抗氧化、抗肿瘤、抗病毒和免疫调节等作用。 此外,苜蓿素能帮助植物抵御细菌和真菌侵袭,并抑制野草生长,可作为一种除草剂。 一种合成苜蓿素的新方法。 间苯三酚 (2)与氯乙腈在氯化锌存在下在盐酸/乙酸乙酯中缩合得2- (2-氯-1-亚胺基乙基)苯-1,3,5-三酚 (3),不经纯化直接在稀盐酸中水解得2-氯-1- (2,4,6-三羟基苯基)乙酮 (4)。 4在超声波作用和相转移催化剂四丁基溴化铵 (TBAB)存在下, …
Tricin - Wikipedia
Tricin is a chemical compound. It is an O -methylated flavone, a type of flavonoid. It can be found in rice bran [1] and sugarcane. [2] The biosynthesis of flavones has not yet been elucidated in full; however, most of the mechanistic and enzymatic steps have been discovered and studied.
Tricin | C17H14O7 | CID 5281702 - PubChem
Known commonly as tricin, it is a constituent of rice bran and has been found to potently inhibit colon cancer cell growth. It has a role as an EC (prostaglandin-endoperoxide synthase) inhibitor and a metabolite. It is a trihydroxyflavone, a dimethoxyflavone and a member of 3'-methoxyflavones. It is functionally related to a tricetin.
Tricin, a Flavonoid Monomer in Monocot Lignification - PMC
Tricin [5,7-dihydroxy-2- (4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-4 H -chromen-4-one], a member of the flavonoid family, is recognized as a valuable human health compound due to its antioxidant, antiaging, anticancer, and cardioprotective potentials (Ogo et al., 2013).
Tricin Biosynthesis and Bioengineering - PMC
The unique biological functions of tricin especially as a lignin monomer have driven the identification and characterization of tricin biosynthetic enzymes in the past decade. This review summarizes the current understanding of tricin biosynthetic pathway in grasses and tricin-accumulating dicots.
本品对离体豚鼠肠管有松弛 作用,有轻度抗氧化作用,可防止肾上腺素氧化,并有轻度雌 激素样作用.可作染料中间体。 [1] 小麦黄素 tricin,又称首楷素,麦黄酮.黄色针状结晶 (醋酸一水),熔点为291-- 292;黄色粉末 (氯仿一甲醇),熔点288一 29D' (分解)。
Tricin—a potential multifunctional nutraceutical - Springer
2009年12月29日 · Tricin accumulates in most cereal crop plants, and this review summarizes our current knowledge of its natural occurrence, biosynthesis, biological activities and potential uses.
Tricin 是米糠中大量存在的一种天然类黄酮。 Tricin 通过抑制 CDK9 来抑制 HCMV 的复制。 Tricin 通过上调 FAK 靶向 microRNA-7 的表达来抑制 C6 胶质瘤细胞的增殖和侵袭。 Tricin 是米糠中大量存在的一种天然类黄酮。 Tricin 通过抑制 CDK9 来抑制 HCMV 的复制。 Tricin 通过上调 FAK 靶向 microRNA-7 的表达来抑制 C6 胶质瘤细胞的增殖和侵袭。 [1]. Itoh A, et al. Tricin inhibits the CCL5 induction required for efficient growth of human cytomegalovirus.
Tricin | CMV抑制剂 - MCE
Tricin 是小麦中大量存在的一种天然类黄酮。 Tricin 通过抑制 CDK9 来抑制 HCMV 的复制。 Tricin 通过上调 FAK 靶向 microRNA-7 的表达来抑制 C6 胶质瘤细胞的增殖和侵袭。
Tricin, a flavonoid monomer in monocot lignification - PubMed
Tricin was recently discovered in lignin preparations from wheat (Triticum aestivum) straw and subsequently in all monocot samples examined. To provide proof that tricin is involved in lignification and establish the mechanism by which it incorporates into the lignin polymer, the 4'-O-β-coupling pro …