Hen making trilling sound. What does it mean?
2020年12月6日 · Here’s a video of my 4-year-old Red Sexlink, Ginny, making a strange trilling sound. This was just happening when they were all standing outside huddled together in their pen cause of the cold. Anyone ever heard this before? I’m really curious what it means!
Chicken trill noise? | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
2017年10月8日 · I agree with the rest. I have had several flocks of chickens over the years, and my Polish hen makes that noise. She only makes it when the other two chickens in my backyard come up to her. I suspect its most likely a happy sound. Either way, she is really pretty! I raise chickens for showmanship by the way. Take care and good luck!
Purring chicken? | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens
2010年12月15日 · One trill sound is a danger warning, and another, similar trill is a happy sound. Without hearing your hen's purr or trill, I couldn't say which she meant.
4 week old chicks making odd noises - BackYard Chickens
2019年8月10日 · The trill sound that chicks make is often if they see a possible threat or something odd. Along those lines. It’s kinda like a rooster trill when he sees danger but higher pitched right?
What's up with the 'TRILLING' - BackYard Chickens
2011年11月28日 · I absolutely LOVE the chicken trill! When the babies are old enough to be able to perch on the sides of the brooder is when I first heard the sound. After careful observation, I determined it was their Happy Sound. I am particularly undone when a chicken being held in my arms, or which has started to fall asleep on my lap starts to trill.
Trilling | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens
2009年5月20日 · That is the sound you hear when one or more is getting tired and wanting to take a nap. It is the babies call meaning "Let's pile up for a nap". YES, I do sit and listen to my chickies. It is just a peaceful sound, you just want to lay down and drift off to sleep while listening to it. Matt
Deciphering Pullet Noises - BackYard Chickens
2012年10月27日 · In my experience, the trill tends to be a content little noise they make when they're enjoying someone's company. They have another, similar sound that they make when a bird flies overhead, I guess a "danger from above" sound, but it's louder, and I don't think she'd be making that sound at the approach of a human.
Guinea Sounds | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens
2012年11月27日 · The female who makes the trill sound in the middle of her buck-wheat is very pleasing to me. It's sort of a "buck---trill-trill-trill-trill-WHEAT." Very "feminine" considering their voices. Since I only have six guineas now, when they all crank up I think it's great, and nothing like what you must hear, but I'm still envious of your flocks. Sigh.
Muscovy ducks: Male or Female?!? - BackYard Chickens
2024年7月12日 · They are all the same size and about 2.5 months old. I’ve attached pictures that I took today. They all have their flight feathers pretty much in and run around the yard attempting to fly. I’ve also noticed some of them making a honking noise when startled but other than that they still make the cute cooing trill sound.
My rooster is making a purring noise???? - BackYard Chickens
2009年6月10日 · Another sound you might notice is called a 'hawk'. It sounds like a deeper version of a parrot squawk but only one time and it's very short. Hawking is another danger noise, once again, exhibited more often by a rooster. Giving you the head up, you might come across it …