【大家评车】贝纳力 金鹏TRK 502 怎么样? - 知乎专栏
TRK502是在2016年底初推出的车款,搭载了钱江贝纳力全新研发的500cc双缸水冷发动机,在国产旅行车中,这个排量切中了国内车友对大排量的需求。 在最初的众筹阶段TRK502取得了不 …
TRK 502 X
Designed to conquer both man-made and natural riding conditions, the TRK 502 X tackles dirt, sand, and asphalt with equal daring. With increased ground clearance and off-road-oriented …
TRK 502
Benelli’s TRK 502 is the ultimate adventure companion, offering comfort, protection, and versatility for city cruising and long-distance travel. The TRK ensures a smooth and responsive ride in all …
Benelli TRK 502 Price - Mileage, Images, Colours - BikeWale
The Benelli TRK 502 is a adventure bike available at a starting price of Rs. 5,84,931 in India. It comes in 1 variant and 7 colours. It is powered by a 500 cc BS6 Phase 2 engine and has a …
- 评论数: 14
2017-on Benelli TRK 502 Review: Specs & Buying guide - Motorcycle News
2017年5月8日 · The Benelli TRK 502 X is a full-sized adventure bike powered by an A2-compliant, 47bhp motor. In its native (sort of) Italy, the TRK regularly tops the sales charts, …
Benelli TRK502 X纪念版上市 售价32680元起 - 懂车帝
2023年9月12日 · TRK502(X)纪念版搭载了一台直列双缸水冷发动机,最大功率35.0kW/8500rpm,最大扭矩45N·m/5000rpm,ADV特调动力曲线,拥有更充沛的输出,更快 …
TRK 502 - Benelli
The TRK 502 is powered by a new and advanced 500cc twin-cylinder engine with 4-valve technology and dual overhead camshafts for maximum power. It features electronic fuel …
Benelli TRK 502X - THE "X" FACTOR - keewayamerica.com
Powered by a liquid-cooled parallel twin-cylinder engine, the TRK 502X has dual overhead cams and produces 47.6 hp (35 kW) at 8500 rpm and maximum torque of 34 ft lbs. (46 Nm) at 6000 …
偏向硬派拉力车的设定 试驾贝纳利金鹏TRK 502 X - 懂车帝
2019年12月9日 · 贝纳利金鹏trk 502 x动态感受: TRK502X车辆在动力上与普通版一致,最大扭矩在5000rpm爆发,奠定了该车中低转速区间的动力表现。 此款发动机已经广泛应用到多款自 …
新车|售32680元起,贝纳利TRK552X上市,TRK502升级版/减重9 …
2024年2月28日 · 该车定位为中量级ADV探险车,可以看作TRK502升级版,搭载550毫升直列双缸水冷发动机,最大功率45千瓦,油箱容积20升。 贝纳利TRK552X外形设计饱满健硕,前脸配 …