Manufacturing readiness level - Wikipedia
The manufacturing readiness level (MRL) is a measure to assess the maturity of manufacturing readiness, similar to how technology readiness levels (TRL) are used for technology readiness.
[知识点]技术成熟度和制造成熟度 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
技术成熟度等级( TRL ,Technology Readiness Level)指对技术成熟度进行量度和评测的一种标准,分为9级(见上表)。 技术成熟度及其评估技术,最早由 NASA (美国国家航空航天局)于1989年提出并用作评估的工具,2005年美国国防部发布《技术成熟度等级手册》使其 ...
A TRA involves a fundamental metric, the Technology Readiness Level (TRL), first developed at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in the 1970s. In 1999, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) (then General Accounting Office) published an influential report, Best Practices: Better Management of Technology Can
技术成熟度和制造成熟度 - futh.com.cn
技术成熟度等级(TRL,Technology Readiness Level)指对技术成熟度进行量度和评测的一种标准,分为9级(见下表)。 技术成熟度及其评估技术,最早由NASA(美国国家航空航天局)于1989年提出并用作评估的工具,2005年美国国防部发布《技术成熟度等级手册》使其趋于 ...
2022年10月1日 · Assessments of manufacturing maturity using the Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL) criteria have been designed to identify and manage manufacturing risk in acquisition, decreasing the risk of technology transition for new technology to weapon system applications.
TRLs, MRLs, IRLs, SRLs, PRLs: An Ecosystem of Readiness-Level ...
2012年4月18日 · Technology Readiness Levels Are Widely Adopted [Machine Design – May 2017] illuminates the success of TRLs and the family of frameworks that developed around TRLs, including: Manufacturing Readiness Levels [MRLs], Interface Readiness Levels [IRLs], System Readiness Levels [SRLs], and People Readiness Levels [PRLs].
Technology Readiness Level (TRL) - Overview - AcqNotes
2024年5月2日 · Technology Readiness Level (TRL): are used to assess the maturity of individual technology. Manufacturing readiness and technology readiness go hand-in-hand. In conjunction with Technology Readiness Levels (TRL), MRLs are key measures that define risk when technology or process is matured and transitioned to a system.
Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL) - AcqNotes
Definition: Manufacturing Readiness Levels (MRLs) are a set of criteria used to assess the readiness of a product or system for full-scale production. MRLs are often employed in the context of technology development, product development, and acquisition programs to determine the maturity of a manufacturing process and its associated risks.
技术就绪度(成熟度)评价实施经验分享 - 知乎
技术就绪度也称 技术成熟度 (TRL),什么是技术就绪度(成熟度)呢? 根据 GB/T 22900-2009 《科学技术研究项目评价通则》中对“技术就绪水平”的定义:工作分解单元技术成熟程度 ;根据 GJB 7688-2012 《装备技术成熟度等级划分及定义》中对“技术成熟度”的定义:技术满足预期装备应用目标的程度。 结合以上两个标准,可以把技术就绪度(成熟度)理解如下:是一种衡量技术发展成熟水平的指标。 14.5以来,在 国家重点研发计划 中,技术就绪度(后续统称技术就绪 …
Represents a major step up from TRL 6, requiring demonstration of an actual system prototype in an operational environment such as an aircraft, vehicle, or space.