TRN BA15 | Worldwide Shipping - TRN-AUDIO
TRN BA15 uses single 22955 for ultra-fast response and fast dynamic transience bass from 600Hz down to 10Hz! The three-way crossover design has been implemented so that each group of drivers works perfectly in harmony, seamlessly, and coherently.
时刻保持HIFI,耳边的音乐会——TRN BA15耳机 - 知乎
此款trn ba15耳机采用15个动铁发声单元,可以达到10-40khz宽频高解析音质,拥有30Ω阻抗、100db灵敏度,极大地还原音源本质,尤其是高品质音源的丰富度。无论从做工还是音质方面都达到了不错的水准,相比于同价位的其他产品,trn ba15耳机绝对是一个不错的选择。
30个单元合体轰趴:TRN BA15纯动铁耳机体验分享_耳机_什么值 …
2021年4月6日 · 网上有小伙伴说trn ba15是个两头翘的耳机,这一点我是不太认同。在我看来trn ba15主要是高低频部分的素质和调味上相对比较有看头,而中频部分则调得不是那么的跪舔,所以才会出现这种说法。
市面最卷,30发声单元拉满hifi耳机上限,TRN BA15体验有感
2022年10月11日 · 从我个人的主观听感而言,TRN BA15堆料很强,但是调教的非常不错,配件足,高频亮、中频润、低频猛,而30颗单元相互搭配突出了声音非常多的细节,算得上我听过的hifi耳机中,诚意最足的一款产品。
TRN BA15 十五单元HIFI耳机评测:用耳机给你开一场音乐会
2021年10月5日 · TRN BA15配件也是非常丰富的有均衡套*3对、低频套*3对、海绵套*1对,飞机航空插头和6.5mm耳机转接插头、还有说明书和保修卡,同时赠送了一个金属收纳盒,看出来厂商的设计都是时时刻刻站在用户的角度考虑的。
TRN BA15 - Linsoul Audio
2025年1月2日 · BA15 new waveguide system ensures correct phase and time alignment of all frequencies, resulting in accurate music reproduction. The absence of sound tube keeps sweat away and alleviates the need for excessive cleaning. Made of aerospace-grade magnesium alloy With elegance, beauty and strength in mind.
BA15 是 TRN 声学的旗舰级纯动铁耳机,产品优势如何? - 知乎
TRN ba15值得买吗? - 知乎
如果你是一个音乐爱好者,对音质有着高追求的话,那么这款耳机肯定是值得入手的,TRN ba15这款耳机不但有着高颜值担当,而且在音质方面也是非常的卓越,不过这款耳机属于蛮小众化的,只有真正的HiFi发烧友可能才会关注,现在市场上普遍流行蓝牙耳机 ...
TRN Earphones | Worldwide Shipping | TRN-AUDIO
Today's flagship product is TRN BAX Pro. The product matures step by step, but the most important thing is the sound. While the plug-in cable method is not new, TRN earphones also have a Bluetooth upgrade cable, silver-plated upgrade cable, balanced cable, and other options.
TRN BA15 - SLaudio - TAI NGHE VIỆT Headphone Store
These drivers are tuned by perfection to provide a smooth experience throughout a wide frequency range from 10Hz to 40kHz. >Premium 15 Balanced Armature Driver Configuration. >Three-way Electronic Crossover. >Tubeless Acoustic Design With Revolutionary Waveguide System. >16-Core Silver-Plated OCC Cable. >Aerospace-Grade Magnesium Alloy Ear Shells.