TRN IM1 - Reviews | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
2019年1月14日 · With the TRN IM1, where in better of both world, we have a detailed slightly bright sound without hissing or agressive mids or high and we have a bass that have enough authority to give proper punch without bloating the mids.
TRN IM1 - Review | ThePhonograph.net
The TRN IM1 is a good earphone for listeners that enjoy very energetic sound with a strong bassy profile but who still appreciate clear vocals and highs. The TRN IM1 will be well-adapted for experienced bassheads on a budget (advanced EQ and extreme amplification needed), bassy and powerful music listeners and non-sibilant sensitive.
TRN IM1 入耳式隔音监听运动耳机 0.75mm 2Pin可拆分插拔 带麦 …
IM1耳机可以在一次铸造过程中使用树脂腔进行模制。 它可以有效地减少腔谐振对声音质量的不利影响。 一个好的过程是稳定的声腔结构保证,可以显示出美妙的音质。 此外,由于外壳设计非常时尚,无论男女都穿着自然和舒适。 3. 基于内耳的结构设计,轻巧的耳塞即使长时间佩戴也能保持耳朵舒适。 运河设计将减少外部噪音,因此您可以随时沉浸在音乐世界中。 此外,通过减少泄漏,你不会打扰他人,无论你去上班,上学,图书馆等。 4. 个性化可拆线式设计,0.75mm镀金 …
Is Trn a good iem brand? : r/iems - Reddit
They make good products. Don't provide the most appealing packaging and earphone designs, but they make great sounding IEMs. My personal favorite is TRN TA4, on the same level with PhoenixCall. I also got flatheads TRN EMA. Voice reproduction sound very natural, and overall sound in other aspects is good.
TRN IM1 Pro Review - vs ZSN Pros vs CCA C10 - YouTube
BUY from ALIEXPRESS ️ https://www.aliexpress.com/item/TRN-IM1-PRO-1BA-1DD-Hybrid-In-Ear-Earphone-Monito-Running-Sport-Earphone-HIFI-Headset-earphone/32953926...
TRN「IM1」高域キンキンの刺激的なイヤホン!! - 私はイヤホンハ …
2024年11月17日 · 初期のTRNが得意としていた、圧倒的な高域前面打ち出し型のイヤホン。 ボーカル重視ばかりのイヤホンでも面白くないし、個人的には好みのイヤホンだ。 【点数】 ★★★★★★★★ 8/10 【イヤホンレビューに使ったDAP,音源,アルバム】 Cayin N5ii(3.5mm 直刺し)
TRN IM1 Pro 1BA 1DD Hybrid In Ear Earphone - AOSHIDA
Product Name: TRN IM1 PRO. 2. Earphone type: In-ear. 3. Impedance: 16Ω. 4. Earphone sensitivity: 102dB/mW. 5. Frequency range: 7-40000Hz. 6. Plug Type : 3.5mm Straight Plug. 7. Cable Length: 1.25. 11. Whether with mic: Optional.
TRN IM1倒模定制圈铁耳机 入耳式隔音监听私人定制耳机 倒模耳 …
欢迎来到淘宝网选购TRN IM1倒模定制圈铁耳机 入耳式隔音监听私人定制耳机 倒模耳塞, 淘宝数亿热销好货,官方物流可寄送至全球十地,支持外币支付等多种付款方式、平台客服24小时在线、由商家提供退换货承诺、让你简单淘到宝。
Trn Im1 Pro 2pin Detachable 1dd+1ba Hifi Dj Monitor Running …
TRN IM1 Pro 2PIN Detachable 1DD+1BA HIFI DJ Monitor Running Sport Hybrid In Ear Earphone No reviews yet Shenzhen Heng Hong Tong Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. 7 yrs CN
TRN impressions thread | Page 10 - Head-Fi.org
2019年5月31日 · My first initial impression on TRN IM2.TRN IM2 is successor of highly regarded IM1 and its derivative IM1 pro from the Chinese audio company,TRN.like its...