Trophy (countermeasure) - Wikipedia
Trophy (Israel Defense Forces designation מעיל רוח, 'Windbreaker') is a protection system for military armored vehicles. It is termed an active protection system (APS) and is designed by Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. It is designed to supplement the standard armor of light and heavy armored fighting vehicles.
戰利品主動防禦系統 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
戰利品主動防禦系統(英語: Trophy Active Protection System ,簡稱:Trophy APS)是由以色列拉斐爾先進防禦系統公司研發製造的主動防禦系統(Active Protection System,APS),研發目的在保護戰鬥車輛免受反戰車飛彈、RPG之類反裝甲武器和戰車發射反戰車高爆彈的攻擊,減 ...
战利品主动防御系统 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
2025年2月7日 · 战利品主动防御系统(英语: Trophy Active Protection System ,简称:Trophy APS)是由以色列拉斐尔先进防御系统公司研发制造的主动防御系统(Active Protection System,APS),研发目的在保护战斗车辆免受反坦克导弹、RPG之类反装甲武器和坦克发射破甲弹的攻击,减少人员 ...
TROPHY™ - Active Protection System and Hostile Fire Detection
TROPHY neutralizes all standard shaped anti-tank threats in flight through four stages of engagement: Threat Detection, Threat Tracking, Countermeasure Activation, and Threat Neutralization. Only those threats which pose a danger to the platform are neutralized, thereby conserving ammunition and minimizing the chance of collateral damage.
Trophy APS: Operational Active Protection System - Rafael
TROPHY Active Protection System (APS) is the ONLY mature, operational system in the World. Saving lives since 2011, TROPHY transforms any combat platform into an ultra-modern, highly lethal, and survivable machine – enabling exceptional maneuverability for forces in the field.
戰利品主動防禦系統 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
戰利品主動防禦系統(英語: Trophy Active Protection System ,簡稱:Trophy APS)是由以色列拉斐爾先進防禦系統公司研發製造的主動防禦系統(Active Protection System,APS),研發目的在保護戰鬥車輛免受反戰車飛彈、RPG之類反裝甲武器和戰車發射反戰車高爆彈的攻擊 ...
Army units use TROPHY APS- equipped Abrams main battle tanks to disrupt/destroy certain classes of enemy fire while safely maneuvering across a full range of military operations.
TROPHY APS | Rafael Advanced Defense Systems USA Inc.
TROPHY APS – the world’s only operational, fully integrated combat-proven Active Protection System for Armored Fighting Vehicles (AFVs) – provides an exceptional level of survivability and maneuverability. TROPHY has been tested, proven, and deployed on many armored platforms around the world.
TROPHYTM TROPHY is a combined Hostile Fire Detection (HFD) and Active Protection System (APS) which is available in two main configurations: TROPHY HV (Heavy Vehicle) and TROPHY VPS (Vehicle Protection System). By proactively detecting, locating, and (if necessary) neutralizing anti-armor threats,
2019年8月21日 · Trophy APS demonstrated the potential to provide improved protection to the Abrams tank when compared to the existing systems without APS. The test was designed to assess fundamental APS capability in basic range conditions and engagements.
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