Brij® O10 average Mn ~709 | Sigma-Aldrich
Brij® O10 average Mn ~709; CAS Number: 9004-98-2; Synonyms: Brij 97,C18-1E10,聚氧乙烯(10)油醚; Linear Formula: C18H35(OCH2CH2)nOH, n~10; find Sigma-Aldrich-431281 MSDS, related peer-reviewed papers, technical documents, similar products & more at Sigma-Aldrich
Brij® O10 - Sigma-Aldrich
ECO Brij ® O10, also known as oleyl alcohol polyoxyethylene ether, is a bio-based, high HLB nonionic surfactant manufactured from naturally occurring straight-chain oleyl alcohol. This detergent, derived from natural sources, provides various functional advantages, such as detergency, emulsification, and wetting, making it suitable for a range ...
TRU 和 ATRU 整流器 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
TRU/ATRU,也就是transformer rectification unit/auto transformer rectification unit,是很有意思的整流器,在航空领域应用比较多。 它的基本思想是通过变压器把3相交流电变成多相,比如12相或者18相,然后再通…
Brij® O10 | Sigma-Aldrich - MilliporeSigma
Brij O10 已被用于一项研究,以评估用于连续逆流浊点萃取的水表面活性剂两相系统。
聚氧乙烯(10)油醚 - sigma-aldrich.cnreagent.com
Brij O10 has been used in a study to assess the aqueous surfactant two-phase systems for the continuous countercurrent cloud point extraction. 特点和优势. 100 % Renewable; 100 % Bio-based; Certified to the USDA BioPreferred Program; Lower carbon footprint than petrochemical-based versions; 物理属性
Brij™ O10 | Croda禾大美护 - Croda Beauty
The Brij ranges of ethoxylated fatty alcohols are nonionic surfactants, based upon a variety of fatty alcohols and different levels of ethoxylation. ... This brochure was created for customers formulating for Halal certification where REACH registration or …
Brij O10 | Croda禾大工业化学品
Brij™ O10 is a distilled non-ionic ethoxylated alcohol based on oleyl alcohol. Brij O10 is suitable for oil in water emulsification as well as being an NPE 8 alternative. As an ethoxylated alcohol, Brij O10 is classed as an ether, the presence of the ether linkage significantly improves its resistance to …
TRU 树脂/TRU Resin - udler.cn
容量 : 7 mg Nd/g Resin TRU 转化系数 DW/k' : 1.82 适用条件. 建议的使用温度 : 20-25°C 流速 : A级: 0.6 – 0.8 mL/min,S级:真空或一定压力下使用 储存: T<30°C,干燥避光储存
压力变送器-O-10 - WIKA 威卡
O-10是一款低成本压力传感器,可普遍用于OEM应用,压力范围为0.6 至60 MPa。 O-10结构紧凑, 具有更高的精度和坚固性能,可集成到很多设备中。 该压力传感器提供多种连接方式、信号 …
Brij® O10 average Mn ~709 | Sigma-Aldrich - MilliporeSigma
Brij® O10 average Mn ~709; CAS Number: 9004-98-2; Synonyms: Brij 97,C18-1E10,聚氧乙烯(10)油醚; Linear Formula: C18H35(OCH2CH2)nOH, n~10 at Sigma-Aldrich