TrueORF®: Tagged ORF Clones - OriGene
Genomewide cDNA clone collection, covering Human, Mouse and Rat. 90% of gene loci are in stock. Every gene is offered in two different tags, Myc-DDK tag (DDK is the same as Flag tag) …
TrueORF Gold | OriGene Technologies Inc.
TrueORF Gold is OriGene's collection of premium cDNA clones that have passed the ultimate tests: expression validation & sequence verification. Using non-validated clones can result in inaccurate or absent expression. Don't waste your time and valuable resources. Order a TrueORF Gold clone and start your experiment today!
TrueORF cDNA Clones: Ready-to-Use Tagged ORF Clones | OriGene
Genomewide cDNA clone collection, covering Human, Mouse and Rat. 90% of gene loci are in stock. Every gene is offered in two different tags, Myc-DDK tag (DDK is the same as Flag tag) and GFP tag, facilitating gene expression detection and subcellular localization.
Open reading frame - Wikipedia
One common use of open reading frames (ORFs) is as one piece of evidence to assist in gene prediction. Long ORFs are often used, along with other evidence, to initially identify candidate protein-coding regions or functional RNA -coding regions in a DNA sequence. [5] .
如何区分ORF克隆和cDNA 克隆? - 搜狐
2020年8月14日 · ORF克隆:一个全长ORF(开放阅读框)克隆,是指一个插入有编码全长蛋白质的DNA 片断的质粒。 该插入DNA 片断只含有编码一个全长蛋白质的序列(从起始密码到终止密码),而不包含有5′或3′端的非翻译区(UTRs)或内含子。
TrueORF® cDNA Clones | AMSBIO
TrueORF ® cDNA clones enable the expression of the encoded transcript as C-terminally tagged protein with Myc and FLAG ® epitopes. They facilitate multiple applications that utilize an anti-tag antibody, such as protein expression, protein purification and subcellular localization.
Our tests show that accuracy of frame recognition (true ORF) is about 100% for typical mRNA and about 99% for mRNA fragments of 500 - 800 bp containing partial coding region. Accuracy is lower for EST with frameshift errors, or for EST with very short coding fragments.
CDS、cDNA、ORF等等傻傻分不清 - 搜狐
2020年5月26日 · 单拷贝基因指在基因组中只出现一次,多是编码蛋白质的基因,真核生物中有25%~50%的基因是以单个基因存在的,而其余编码蛋白质的基因以基因家族形式存在;基因家族是来源于同一个祖先,由一个基因通过基因重复而产生两个或更多的拷贝而构成的一组基因,它们在结构和功能上具有明显的相似性,编码相似的蛋白质产物,欲更详细了解基因家族形成、特征请参见课程:充电课-限时免费领取《基因家族分析详解课程》。 5. 假基因也叫伪基因,他是基 …
TrueORF GOLD: the only expression-validated cDNA clones
Flagship products include: - TrueORF Gold cDNA clones: fully sequenced and expression validated - UltraMAB monoclonal antibodies: the only antibodies tested for specificity - TrueMAB antibodies:...
TrueClone Collection | OriGene Technologies Inc.
TrueClones® are full-length cDNA clones derived from human, mouse, and rat cDNA libraries. TrueClones® are ideal for over-expression of native proteins for functional studies. For over-expression of tagged proteins, OriGene offers TrueORF® with built-in tags for convenient detection and purification. » Search for your cDNA Clones (Browse All)