Venezuelan troupial - Wikipedia
The Venezuelan troupial (Icterus icterus) is the national bird of Venezuela. It is found in Colombia, Venezuela, and the Caribbean islands of Aruba, Curaçao, Bonaire, Trinidad, and Puerto Rico. Together with the orange-backed troupial and campo troupial, it was previously part of a superspecies simply named the troupial that was split.
Troupial - Wikipedia
There are three extant species of bird in the genus Icterus that are named troupial (turpial in Spanish), formerly considered one species: In addition, one extinct species, the Talara troupial (Icterus turmalis) is known from late Quaternary fossil remains from Peru.
Troupials aka Venezuelan Troupial (Icterus icterus) | Earth Life
2023年7月13日 · The Northern Troupials or Venezuelan Troupials (Icterus icterus) are large members of the “New World Oriole ” family that mostly occur in northern and central South America. However, some subspecies are found in the northern and eastern extremes of the South American continent. Previously, these birds were lumped together with:
Trupial Inn Hotel & Casino – Willemstad – Curacao
A unique and exclusive boutique hotel located in the most important financial district of Curacao, within walking distance of excellent restaurants, shopping centers. We offer a total of 98 spacious rooms of which 74 Deluxe, 16 Superior and 8 Suites, all designed and furnished for the comfort and tranquility of our guests.
Venezuelan Troupial - eBird
A brilliant and brash resident of thornscrub, cactus forests and other arid landscapes. Rather large-headed, often sporting a short shaggy crest, with a blue teardrop of bare skin around each eye, thus differing from most other orioles. Also note the long white slash on each wing.
Trupial - Wikipedia, e ensiklopedia liber
Trupial (Icterus icterus) ta un espesie di para ku ta biba na Sur Amérika. E ta e "para nashonal" di Venezuela. Riba e Islanan ABC e ta endémiko na Aruba i Kòrsou, mientras na Boneiru el a wòrdu introdusí.
Turpial Airlines - ¡Volamos en tu direccion!:
En este Contrato se estipulan las condiciones particulares de transporte aéreo de Pasajeros y Equipaje prestado por: Turpial Airlines, C.A., RIF: J-40491921-0, inscrita en el Registro Mercantil V del Distrito Capital, bajo el Tomo 197-A, Número 11 en fecha 29 de octubre del año 2014 en la ciudad de Caracas. Artículo 1: Base Legal Las condiciones …
Significado de «turpial (troupial o trupial)»
2016年8月28日 · El término turpial, también conocido como troupial o trupial, se refiere a una ave de plumaje amarillo y negro, con un pico dentirrostro que le permite emitir un canto melodioso y variado. Esta especie, cuyo nombre científico es Icterus icterus , mide entre 15 y 22 cm de largo y se encuentra principalmente en Venezuela y el norte de Colombia ...
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Venezuelan Troupial - Zoo Guide
The Venezuelan Troupial, a strikingly colorful bird, is renowned for its vivid orange body, contrasting black head and wings, and bold white streaks. It is the national bird of Venezuela and belongs to the family of New World Orioles. This species is known for its melodic and varied song, making it a favorite among bird enthusiasts.