T-117 TsAGI Hypersonic Wind Tunnel. | National Technical …
T-117 TsAGI is a large hypersonic blowdown arc heater wind tunnel. The facility is provided with two interchangeable electrical arc heaters with a maximum power of 25 and 2.5 megawatts.
2002年8月23日 · T-117 TsAGI is a large hypersonic blowdown arc heater wind tunnel. A schematic diagram of the tunnel is shown in Fig. 1. The facility is provided with two …
Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) 140180 Zhukovsky, Moscow region, Russia T-117 TsAGI is a large hypersonic blowdown arc heater wind tunnel. A schematic diagram of the tunnel is shown in Fig. 1. The facility is provided with two interchangeable electrical arc heaters with a maximum power of 25 and 2,5 megawatts.
俄罗斯TsAGI及其T-117风洞结构设计及试验研究综述 - 脉脉
TsAGI是俄罗斯气动试验设备最多、最齐全、研究人员最多的机构,风洞覆盖了亚、跨、超、高超声速,并有相当数量的特种试验设备。 具有代表性的风洞,如建于1939年的T-101全尺寸风洞,被誉为欧洲最大亚音速风洞,试验段尺寸世界第二的风洞,其试验段为椭圆,尺寸:高×宽×长为14m×24m×24m,该风洞不仅用于模型测试,还可进行机身长30m,翼展18米的飞机实体试验,已为战斗机、运输机和直升机研制进行了大量风洞试验。 TsAGI与各飞机设计局密切合作,所有 …
Preliminary Study of High Mach Arc Aerodynamic Test Wind …
2024年7月2日 · The TsAGI T-117 is a large hypersonic arc-heated transient wind tunnel. The appearance of the T-117 wind tunnel is shown in Fig. 1, and the structural schematic diagram of the wind tunnel is shown in Fig. 2.
T-117 TsAGI Hypersonic Wind Tunnel - DTIC
T-117 TsAGI is a large hypersonic blowdown arc heater wind tunnel. The facility is provided with two interchangeable electrical arc heaters with a maximum power of 25 and 2.5 megawatts.
DTIC ADA409247: T-117 TsAGI Hypersonic Wind Tunnel
2018年5月11日 · T-117 TsAGI is a large hypersonic blowdown arc heater wind tunnel. The facility is provided with two interchangeable electrical arc heaters with a maximum power of 25 and 2.5 megawatts.
俄羅斯TsAGI及其T-117風洞結構設計及試驗研究綜述 - 每日頭條
Rebuilding with PAMPERO of destructive hypersonic tests on honeycomb ...
2020年6月1日 · The TsAGI's T-117 wind tunnel was selected to perform all the experimental tests. This experimental setup is designed to investigate hypersonic flow regimes encountered by flying vehicles at high velocity. T-117 is a long duration hypersonic blow-down wind tunnel with an open-loop cycle and electric arc flow heating.
T-117 TsAGI HYPERSONIC WIND TUNNEL S. Boldyrev, V. Brazhko …
2015年1月19日 · T-<strong>117</strong> <strong>TsAGI</strong> is a large hypersonic blowdown arc heater wind tunnel. A schematic<br /> diagram of the tunnel is shown in Fig. 1.<br /> The facility is provided with two interchangeable electrical arc heaters with a maximum<br /> power of 25 and 2,5 megawatts.
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