Tsui Po-ko - Wikipedia
Tsui Po-ko (Chinese: 徐步高) (17 May 1970 – 17 March 2006) was a Police Constable of the Hong Kong Police Force, bank robber and serial killer. He is one of Hong Kong's most known …
徐步高 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
徐步高(英語: Tsui Po-ko ;1970年5月17日—2006年3月17日 [2] ),生於福建邵武,香港警員,2001年伏擊並槍殺警員梁成恩並搶其佩槍,2001年在銀行行劫槍殺護衛Khan Zafar …
徐步高 - 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書
徐步高 (英文: Tsui Po-ko, 1970年 5月17號 — 2006年 3月17號),原名 徐長高[1],係前 香港警務處 警員。 1993年入職香港警隊,2006年3月 尖沙咀 廣東道 同 柯士甸道 交界 行人隧道 …
徐步高 | 香港網絡大典 | Fandom
徐步高(Tsui Po-ko),2001年3月荃灣石圍角邨殺警搶槍案、2001年12月荃灣麗城花園銀行劫殺案、2006年3月尖沙咀警員槍擊案之疑犯,指他先前殺死多名警察,並在尖沙咀警員槍擊案中 …
`Devil' cop's ambush of fellow officers stuns HK - Taipei Times
2006年3月27日 · Tsui Po-ko, a rogue Hong Kong police officer who died after killing one policeman and seriously wounding another in pedestrian underpass this month, is seen in this …
The big question: why did he kill? | South China Morning Post
2007年4月26日 · The verdicts delivered yesterday condemned constable Tsui Po-ko as a killer. Criminologists said he was a serial murderer who killed to gain a sense of excitement and power.
徐步高 - 搜狗百科
2024年9月27日 · 徐步高(Tsui Po-ko,1970年5月17日-2006年3月17日),出生于福建邵武,前中国香港警务处警员。 他于1993年加入警队后,因证实涉嫌参与袭击案和抢劫案,在中国香 …
Uncertainty and the Case of Police Constable 'Tiger' Tsui Po-Ko
Tsui was responsible for wounding one and killing two fellow police constables and a bank guard in three separate incidents. The jury also returned the verdict that PC Tsui
About: Tsui Po-ko - DBpedia Association
Tsui Po-ko (Chinese: 徐步高) (17 May 1970 – 17 March 2006) was a Police Constable of the Hong Kong Police Force, murderer and bank robber. He was killed during an ambush on two …
Tsui Po-ko - Steckbrief - People FAQs
Tsui Po-ko (Chinese: 徐步高) (17 May 1970 – 17 March 2006) was a Police Constable of the Hong Kong Police Force, murderer and bank robber. He was killed during an ambush on two …