1607 Bristol Channel floods - Wikipedia
The Bristol Channel floods of 30 January 1607 [a] drowned many people and destroyed a large amount of farmland and livestock during a flood in the Bristol Channel. The known tide …
1607 tsunami hit Burnham-On-Sea and Bristol Channel
Research into the devastating 1607 flood that affected Burnham-On-Sea and the Bristol Channel in January 1607 has been the subject of a study between Dr Simon Haslett, Head of …
As the 400th anniversary of the Bristol Channel Floods occurs, this report reflects on the historic event, examines recent research into the causes of the flooding, and analyzes the implications …
The 1607 Bristol tsunami - VolcanoCafe
2024年11月24日 · The 1607 flood made the news once more when Haslett and Bryatt proposed that it had been caused by a tsunami. The disasters in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Japan over …
The Bristol Channel floods of 1607 –reconstruction and analysis
2007年1月12日 · Vol. 2 Climatic History and the future. Canary Islands landslides and tsunami generation: can we use turbidite deposits to interpret landslide processes? Advances in …
BBC NEWS | UK | England | Anniversary of 1607 killer wave
2007年1月30日 · A suspected tsunami in the Bristol Channel which killed 2,000 people happened 400 years ago on Tuesday. Experts believe severe flooding on 30 January 1607 in south west …
The Great Flood, 1607 — Living Levels
2018年12月10日 · On 30th January 1607, sea walls either side of the Severn Estuary were overwhelmed by flood waters. Much of the Gwent, Somerset and Gloucestershire Levels were …
A tsunami in South Wales? The 1607 flood in the Bristol Channel …
2021年3月18日 · On January 30, 1607, a massive wave from the ocean surged up Bristol Channel in the United Kingdom, flooding more than 500 km2 of lowland along 570 km of coast.
Was Bristol Channel Hit By A Tsunami? | ScienceDaily
2007年4月30日 · On the occasion of the 400th anniversary of Britain's largest natural disaster, the author of Tsunami: The Underrated Hazard reveals strong new evidence that the Bristol …
The Somerset tsunami of 1607 | Glastonbury Conservation Society
In January 1606/7 occurred the great storm which broke down the sea-walls at Huntspill and resulted in the flooding of the Brue levels with great loss of life and property. The floodwaters …