Tsar Tank - Wikipedia
The Tsar Tank (Russian: Царь-танк, transcription: Tsar'-tank), also known as the Netopyr' (Russian: Нетопырь, which stands for Pipistrellus, a genus of bat) or Lebedenko Tank …
沙皇坦克 - 百度百科
沙皇坦克(俄语:Царь-танк)是由 俄罗斯帝国 研发的装甲车。 它的两个前轮直径为27英尺(约8.23米),拖着两个小很多的后轮。 其上安装了巨型重炮,是为数不多的无履带坦克之一。 …
Tsar Tank: Why the largest tank in history failed to reach the ...
Due it to its menacing appearance and formidable arsenal on board, the beast was nicknamed the Tsar Tank. The Russian Empire was in a precarious position in 1915. A German offensive on …
The Russian Tsar Tank: The Largest, Weirdest WW1 Tank Ever Built
2025年3月5日 · The Tsar Tank, built by the Russians during World War 1, was the largest—and probably the weirdest—tank ever to reach full-scale testing. It was also called the Lebedenko …
【坦克篇】俄国一战黑科技,“巨大的自行车”——沙皇坦克 - 哔哩 …
Tsar Tank,沙皇坦克,一款早在沙俄时代就展现了战斗民族武器制造天赋的黑科技坦克。 该型坦克始建于1914年,是世界上极少数的无履带坦克之一。 这一年的国际形势可谓是阴云密布, …
2022年1月30日 · 沙皇坦克Tsar -tank是由俄罗斯著名军事工程师尼古拉-列别思坚在1914年设计的巨型坦克,在1915年第一辆原型被制造出来,重达60吨,因为重心过高靠后导致返工修改, …
The Tsar Tank - War History
2015年9月13日 · The Tsar Tank, also known as the Netopyr’ or Lebedenko Tank, was an unusual Russian armored vehicle developed in 1916–1917 by Nikolai Lebedenko, Nikolai Zhukovsky, …
Lebedenko’s Tsar Tank Netopyr - GlobalSecurity.org
2018年10月12日 · Look closely at this tank - it is a self-propelled gun carriage, only very large! Due to its distinct shape when viewed from above - this resembling the profile of a bat handing …
Tsar Tank (Lebedenko Tank / Netopyr) - Military Factory
2018年9月28日 · The Tsar Tank was an extraordinary - though ultimately failed - feat of Russian combat engineering that attempted to create a capable mobile weapons platform able to cross …
World of Tanks: Today in History: Tsar Tank - Tank Archives
2014年8月27日 · From spring to the end of summer of 1915, assembly took place at Orudyevo station, near Dmitrov. When the vehicle was completed, its gigantic size earned it the name …
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