CMS ttH→bb/ττ Analysis Group - GitHub
CMS ttH→bb/ττ Analysis Group has 18 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
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ttH analysis at CMS
ttH channel is very interesting from both theory and experimental point of view ! CMS ttH already get 3.4 sigma evidence of ttH production ! Expected to observe more than 5 sigma in LHC run...
The ttH process was first observed using data from the 7 TeV, 8 TeV runs and partial luminosity of the 13 TeV data, combining several H final states, by ATLAS (Phys. Lett. B 784 (2018) 173) and CMS (Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 231801 (2018))
大型强子对撞机探测到新的希格斯粒子产生模式 - SJTU
上海交通大学物理与天文学院 粒子与核物理研究所 的ttH研究团队(主要成员为 李亮特别研究员 ,李兴国博士后以及胡舒旸博士生)参与了ATLAS国际合作组主导的ttH产生态的测量分析,对底夸克对反应道的测量结果有直接贡献(该反应道的较早期结果作为ttH产 ...
Observation of ttH production | CMS Experiment - CERN
2018年4月8日 · The CMS experiment has searched for ttH production in the data collected at the center-of-mass energies of 7, 8, and 13 TeV with the Higgs boson decaying to pairs of W bosons, Z bosons, photons, τ leptons, or bottom quark jets. The results have been combined to maximize the sensitivity to this challenging and yet fundamental process.
2018年6月5日 · 6月4日,《物理评论快报》(Physical Review Letters ,简称PRL)以编辑推荐的方式发表了欧洲核子研究中心大型强子对撞机(LHC)上CMS合作组首次发现ttH物理过程的文章(Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 231801),高能所CMS组张华桥、李秉桓,Francesco Romeo小组在该项研究中最灵敏的 ...
tH and ttH production at ATLAS and CMS Alexandra Carvalho 2 1. Introduction The associated production of a Higgs boson with a pair of top quarks (ttH process) was first ob-served using data from the 7 TeV and 8 TeV runs and partial luminosity of the 13 TeV data, combining several H final states, by ATLAS [1] and CMS [2].
cms-ttH/ttH-13TeVMultiLeptons: 13 TeV ttH Multilepton Analysis - GitHub
#Notre Dame ttH multi-lepton framework. Analysis code for ttH H-->WW,ZZ,tautau-->2 or more leptons
ttbb modeling @ CMS (2016+2017 ttH(H->bb) analysis) • 5FS prediction generated with POWHEG+PYTHIA8 setup used as nominal for modelling: Scales used: and Normalised to NNLO+NNLL inclusive cross-section • divided to 3 contributions: tt+bb, tt+2b, tt+b—> 50% norm uncertainty on each process
cms-ttH/MiniAOD: Tools for miniAOD exploration - GitHub
Follow These Steps: To test using the full CMSSW framework. To test using FWLite. Tools for miniAOD exploration. Contribute to cms-ttH/MiniAOD development by creating an account on …