Gain hands-on experience in providing excellent frontline services in a Healthcare setting with our TTSH Patient Service Associate (PSA) Internship. Who are PSAs? PSAs are an integral part of healthcare, playing a vital role in providing quality frontline services to patients and the public.
Patient Service Associate – TTSH@Home (Virtual Ward)
2024年11月15日 · We are seeking a dedicated Patient Service Associate (PSA) to join our TTSH@Home Virtual Ward team. As a PSA, you will play a vital role in supporting patient care at home by coordinating services, managing patient data, and ensuring operational efficiency.
Patient Service Associate – TTSH@Home (2R) - MyCareersFuture …
2025年2月14日 · We are seeking a dedicated Patient Service Associate (PSA) to join our TTSH@Home Virtual Ward team. As a PSA, you will play a vital role in supporting patient care at home by coordinating services, managing patient data, and ensuring operational efficiency.
uild a strong identity for TTSH’s PSAs. TTSH was the first hospital to implement the PSA Framework that incorporates Value Added Service (VAS) to upskill PSAs competently to take on higher level skillsets including basic clinical tasks traditionally undertaken by nurse
Following the PSA focus groups / dialogue sessions with Senior Management in Nov 2011, the PSA framework was established in 2012 to address PSA feedback on career development, identity and engagement.
PSA,tPSA,fPSA……你分清了吗? - 知乎专栏
tPSA是指血清中的总PSA (total PSA),就是 血液中所有PSA的含量,所以也作为主要的判断依据。 目前国内外比较一致的观点是: 即认为出现异常。 但如果是初次PSA 检测出现异常者,建议复查。 此时是一个PSA值异常的临界状态,前列腺穿刺阳性率大概为15.9% 。 不过这个数据也只针对中国人。 有数据显示我国人口血清PSA平均值范围均低于西方国家人口,甚至也低于亚洲其他国家人群。 为什么临界的状态还会有一个范围呢? 这是由于血清PSA受年龄和前列腺大小等因素 …
Event Details - Tan Tock Seng Hospital
This year’s PSA Day celebration will take place on 25 September 2024, Wednesday. The theme is “Building Bridges: Together Towards Tomorrow”, as we look towards a new tomorrow by fostering strong collaboration and collective growth. There are both online and offline activities leading up to 25 September 2024
肿瘤标志物科普--PSA/fPSA 异常原因分析 - 知乎
血清PSA是检测和早期发现前列腺癌最重要的指标之一,血清TPSA定量的阳性临界值为大于10 μg/L,前列腺癌的诊断特异性达90%~97%。 PSA测定还可用于监测前列腺癌患者或接受激素治疗患者的病情及疗效,90%前列腺癌术后患者的血清TPSA值可降至不能检出的痕量水平,若术后血清TPSA值升高,提示有残存肿瘤。 放疗后疗效显著者,50%以上患者在2个月内血清TPSA降至正常。 - 发现时间:PSA的发现可以追溯到1970年代。 1971年,日本法医科学家Mitsuwo Hara …
[An inverse significant association between thyroid ... - PubMed
PSA levels were higher in patients with TSH below (n = 405) than in those with TSH within reference range (TSH 0,35-4,95 mU/ml) (n = 6698) (PSA level: 1.118 [0.639-2.338] vs. 0.920 [0.508-1.826] ng/ml, p<0.016). Based on estimates, a 10% decrease in TSH is associated with a 0.42% increase in PSA levels in our population.
Careers - Tan Tock Seng Hospital
Supported by our legacy as The People’s Hospital, we’re pushing boundaries, challenging status quo and transforming the way we serve our patients. Together, we brave challenges and discover what it means to be a Big Hospital but a small Kampung. We care about our Staff and Patients, keeping them at the centre of all we do.