Homepage - Tsuneishi Technical Services (Phils.)
Tsuneishi Technical Services (Phils.), Inc. (TTSP) is a technical service provider of ship engineering design and retrofitting in the Philippines. Our company was established in 1992 as an off-shore design center to expand the competencies of Tsuneishi Shipbuilding Company, Ltd. in Hiroshima, Japan.
New office building of TSUNEISHI SHIPBUILDING’s design subsidiary …
2019年4月16日 · TTSP is an offshore ship design center of the TSUNEISHI Group, located on Cebu Island, the Philippines that celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2017. It harnesses systems such as 2D and 3D CAD for detail and production design of hull structures and general outfitting of 30,000-ton to 100,000-ton bulk carriers (KAMSARMAX, TESS series, etc.)
2018年2月2日 · TTSP is the TSUNEISHI Group overseas ship design company in Cebu, Philippines that celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2017. Using 2D and 3D CAD systems, it supports the design operations of TSUNEISHI SHIPBUILDING by carrying out detailed design and production design for structure and outfitting and rigging of 30,000-ton class to 180,000-ton ...
Localizing Global Excellence by Establishing a Local Footprint with ...
Its primary objective is to provide technical support and detailed designs for ships manufactured under the esteemed Tsuneishi Group, which includes Tsuneishi Heavy Industries (THI) in Balamban, Cebu, as well as other shipyards in Hiroshima, Japan, and Zhejiang, China.
TTSP는 탈리도 마이드 (제품명:탈리그로브) 사용시 우려되는 최기형성의 위험성을 미연에 방지하고 조제 및 복용상의 주의사항 과 적절한 환자교육 그리고 유통관리 등의 모든 관련 문제점을 종합적으로 통제할 수 있도록 하기 위해 개발된 프로그램입니다.
Tsuneishi Heavy Industries (Cebu), Inc. - Aiming to be the world ...
Manufacture of ship’s hull block & T-bar. TTSP (Tsuneishi Technical Services (Phils.) Inc.) Ship’s design. Description here!
Edwin Patiam - Assistant Group Manager - Tsuneishi Technical …
With over a decade in ship design engineering, I am an Assistant Group Manager and a Project Management Lead at Tsuneishi Technical Services (Phils.), Inc. (TTSP), a leading Japanese-owned...
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meet us @ gda conference TTSP HWP is this year's platinum sponsor of this special industry event.
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一家人在上海定居,生活富足 近日,45岁的明道在上海被偶遇,他与妻子和孩子一同外出购买早餐,穿着朴素低调,显得非常亲民。 据了解, 85阅读 2025-03-08 08:30 53岁郑中基戒酒半年后复出! 去年自曝患抑郁症后曾发文回应退圈 近日,一条关于香港知名歌手、演员郑中基的最新视频释出,视频标题为“那个男人回来了”。 视频中,郑中基戴. 970阅读 2025-03-08 08:30 导演王晶悼念好友霍耀良:想不到比我年轻的他也走了 据港媒今日报道,导演霍耀良于2024年2月1日因心 …
Thrift Savings Plan
2025年2月20日 · My Account. TSP Account Number. User ID. Forgot your account number or user ID? My Account, Plan Participation, Investment Funds, Planning and Tools, Life Events and ...