Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Replacement | JACC
Transcatheter tricuspid valve replacement (TTVR) has emerged as a promising intervention for the treatment of severe tricuspid regurgitation with complex valve morphology. This consensus document provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of orthotopic TTVR, focusing on patient selection, procedural details, and follow-up care.
[2411.12478] Robotic transcatheter tricuspid valve replacement …
2024年11月19日 · Transcatheter tricuspid valve replacement (TTVR) is the latest treatment for tricuspid regurgitation and is in the early stages of clinical adoption. Intelligent robotic approaches are expected to overcome the challenges of surgical manipulation and widespread dissemination, but systems and protocols with high clinical utility have not yet been ...
GitHub - younesaassila/ttv-lol-pro: TTV LOL PRO removes most …
TTV LOL PRO removes most livestream ads from Twitch. This is free, don't expect it to be perfect. TTV LOL PRO is a fork of TTV LOL that: uses an improved ad blocking method, uses standard HTTP proxies (thus improving proxy compatibility and your privacy), adds a stream status widget to the popup, lets you whitelist channels, lets you use your ...
重磅发布!经导管三尖瓣置换TTVR,百亿级黄金赛道未来已 …
三尖瓣返流 (TR,Tricuspid Regurgitation) 是常见心脏瓣膜病,占各类三尖瓣疾病的约60%,其患病率与年龄有关,随着老龄化进程的不断加速,发病率越来越高。 三尖瓣返流患者一般生活质量低,死亡率高。 约36%的重度三尖瓣返流患者在确诊后一年内去世,而约47.8%在确诊后五年内去世。 19%的轻度或轻微TR患者,在3年内发展为中度或重度TR。 而药物治疗TR远期效果不佳,外科三尖瓣手术死亡率较高,因此对介入治疗的需求强劲。 据估计,全球中度至重度三尖瓣返流 …
Jenscare Scientific Co., Ltd.
LuX-Valve Plus, our proprietary second-generation TTVR system, is designed for patients with severe tricuspid regurgitation. LuX-Valve Plus works by functionally replacing the patient's dysfunctional native tricuspid valve with a prosthetic valve stent without the need for conventional open-heart surgery.
Structural | Tricuspid/Pulmonic Valve Intervention | TTV …
15min. Con: Heterotopic TTVR Indications Are Limited and Should Be Considered as a Last Resort! 11min. Pro: Heterotopic TTVR Technologies Are Evolving, thus Their Indications Will Expand! 6min. Case Resolution: Case of TTVI in Lead-induced: TR Assessment and Management 4min.
TTV LOL PRO - Chrome Web Store
TTV LOL PRO is a fork of TTV LOL that: - uses an improved ad blocking method, - uses standard HTTP proxies (thus improving proxy compatibility and your privacy), - adds a stream status widget...
Releases: younesaassila/ttv-lol-pro - GitHub
TTV LOL PRO removes most livestream ads from Twitch. This is free, don't expect it to be perfect. - Releases · younesaassila/ttv-lol-pro
Laplace Interventional宣布经导管三尖瓣置换装置在早期可行性研 …
2024年2月26日 · Laplace Interventive的设备旨在取代泄漏的天然三尖瓣,以减少或消除三尖瓣返流(TR)。 Laplace Interventive的TTVR系统旨在简化程序,并通过患者的脉管系统输送,无需进行高风险的心内直视手术。 。
三尖瓣返流的新治疗方法:经导管三尖瓣置换术或修复术|三尖瓣置 …
2023年4月6日 · 与瓣叶近似和瓣环成形术不同,TTVR是一种微创的瓣膜置换术,其目的是废除TR。 技术上的考虑涉及到锚定机制 (瓣叶、瓣环、瓣弦)、瓣环的形状/大小、传输途径和下腔静脉到瓣环的过程。