TU-46 - Play Online on SilverGames ️
TU-46 is an airplane takeoff, flight, and landing simulator game that lets players control the Tupolev TU-46 aircraft. Your goal is to safely transport passengers to six different countries while following instructions and notes in the upper left corner.
TU - 46 - Play on Armor Games
2011年12月13日 · This is a sequel to the game TU 95, this time it's a 1970s Airline Simulator, you get to control the brand new passenger aircrafts from Tupolev, create an image for your airline along other airline competitors, deliver passengers around 6 countries, use upgrades to improve your plane stability and try to shine in the daily newspaper, every ...
- 评论数: 1万
图-154客机 - 百度百科
图波列夫图-154(俄语:Tyполев Ту-154,英语:Tupolev Tu-154,北约代号:Careless)是苏联 图波列夫设计局 研制的三发喷气式中远程客机,于2020年退役 [1]。 图-154M最大巡航速度为950公里/小时,最大载荷航程为3700公里,载荷为5450公斤、载油量最大时航程为6600公里。 1995年初中国空军将两架图-154M客机改装为电子战飞机,加装了合成孔径雷达、各类天线和电子战设备。 该型滞空时间长,性能较为先进。 [2] 图-154(俄文:Ту-154)是前苏联 图波列夫 …
Tupolev Tu-142 - Wikipedia
The Tupolev Tu-142 (Russian: Туполев Ту-142; NATO reporting name: Bear F/J) is a Soviet/Russian maritime reconnaissance and anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft derived from the Tu-95 turboprop strategic bomber.
Tupolev Tu-143 - Wikipedia
The Tupolev Tu-143 Reys (Flight or Trip, Russian: Рейс; also Reis, Rejs) was a Soviet unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in service with the Soviet Army and a number of its Warsaw Pact and Middle East allies during the late 1970s and 1980s. It contained a reconnaissance pod that was recovered after flight, and from which imagery was retrieved.
TU-46 - Play Game Online - Arcade Spot
Play TU-46 game online in your browser free of charge on Arcade Spot. TU-46 is a high quality game that works in all major modern web browsers. This online game is part of the Simulation gaming categories.
图-16轰炸机 - 百度百科
图-16轰炸机(英文:Tu-16 bomber,北约代号:Badger,译文:獾,通称:图波列夫图-16“獾”),是苏联一型双发高亚音速中程轰炸机 [9]。 图-16轰炸机是根据西欧北大西洋公约组织成员国的重要军事目标进行战略轰炸要求而设计的,性能和尺寸大致和美国的 B-47 、英国的“勇士”、“火神”和 胜利者轰炸机 相当。 [1] 采用流线型机身和后掠机翼,两台图曼斯基涡轮喷气发动机(中国仿制型为涡喷-8涡轮喷气发动机)紧靠机身两侧,平尾和垂尾均有后掠角。
146. LRU 缓存 - 力扣(LeetCode)
146. LRU 缓存 - 请你设计并实现一个满足 LRU (最近最少使用) 缓存 [https://baike.baidu.com/item/LRU] 约束的数据结构。
Tupolev Tu-143 Reys - Drone - GlobalMilitary.net
The Tupolev Tu-143 Reys was a Soviet unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in service with the Soviet Army and a number of its Warsaw Pact and Middle East allies during the late 1970s and 1980s. It was introduced in 1976 and strongly resembled the …
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