Tupolev Tu-160 - Wikipedia
The Tupolev Tu-160 (Russian: Туполев Ту-160 «Белый лебедь», romanized: Bely Lebed, lit. ' White Swan '; [1] NATO reporting name: Blackjack) is a supersonic, variable-sweep wing nuclear-capable heavy strategic bomber and airborne missile platform designed by the Tupolev Design Bureau in the Soviet Union in the 1970s.
History of the Fisher-Price Airplane (Tu-164 / FP-72)
Construction of the new plane, dubbed Tu-164, began in 1968, and the first flight of the prototype was on May 7, 1970. Khrushchev enjoyed the status of Tu-164 Kurator, formalizing his commitment to bring together the Soviet economy to bear on this high-profile project.
List of Tupolev aircraft - Wikipedia
This is a list of aircraft produced by Tupolev, a Russian aircraft manufacturer. ANT-1: The first aircraft by A.N.T. and the first Soviet-built aircraft. Mixed materials design. The work started in …
Tu-154 Careless - GlobalSecurity.org
2014年7月23日 · The TU-164 project later moved to a variant with reduced passenger capacity was basically a version up to 120-130 people and in a shorter version, up to 80 persons.
图-160轰炸机(俄文:Ту-160,英文:Tu-160,项目编号70,Uзделие «70»,北约代号:Blackjack,译文:海盗旗,又称:图波列夫图-160),是苏联/俄罗斯一型超音速变后掠翼远程战略轰炸机。
图波列夫图-154(俄语:Tyполев Ту-154,英语:Tupolev Tu-154,北约代号:Careless)是苏联图波列夫设计局研制的三发喷气式中远程客机,于2020年退役。 图-154M最大巡航速度为950公里/小时,最大载荷航程为3700公里,载荷为5450公斤、载油量最大时航程为6600公里。
Tupolew Tu-160 – Wikipedia
Die Tupolew Tu-160 (russisch Туполев Ту-160, NATO-Codename: Blackjack) ist ein schwerer strategischer Schwenkflügel - Überschall - Bomber aus sowjetischer Produktion mit interkontinentaler Reichweite. 16 dieser Bomber sind im Dienst der …
Tu-160 – Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia
Tu-160 (ros. Ту-160) – radziecki i rosyjski odrzutowy ponaddźwiękowy bombowiec strategiczny o zmiennej geometrii skrzydeł, zbudowany w biurze konstrukcyjnym Tupolewa, w kodzie NATO oznaczany jako Blackjack, używany od 1987 roku.
Tu-154 - 나무위키
2024年9月14日 · 시제기는 1968년부터 1969년 사이에 제작되었다. 1970년부터 양산이 개시되었고 1972년에 최초의 여객영업을 하였다. 쿠즈네초프 NK-8-2 엔진을 탑재한 164석의 기체로 49대가 제작되었다. 일련번호는 70M006에서 74A055. 등록번호는 85000에서 85055.
Tupolev Tu-154 (Careless) Commercial Passenger Airliner
2022年1月24日 · The initial production model was known simply as the "Tu-154" with seating for 164 with 42 examples being built in all. An upgraded form then appeared to become the Tu-154A which added additional internal fuel stores, exit doors and multiple interior configurations to suit carrier requirements.