Tupolev Tu-22M - Wikipedia
The Tupolev Tu-22M (Russian: Туполев Ту-22М; NATO reporting name: Backfire) is a supersonic, variable-sweep wing, long-range strategic and maritime strike bomber developed by the Tupolev Design Bureau in the 1960s. The bomber was reported as being designated Tu-26 by Western intelligence at one time. [1]
圖-22M轟炸機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
图-22M (俄文: Ту-22М; 北约代号: Backfire,中譯: 逆火)是 蘇聯 圖波列夫設計局 研制的一款 超音速 可變後掠翼 長程 戰略轟炸機。 於1972年開始量產,1997年停产。 截止2023年8月,现仍有60架 [1] 圖-22M3在 俄羅斯空天军 服役。 图-22是 蘇聯 第一架 超音速 戰略轟炸機(北約代號「眼罩」;蘇聯飛行員自稱為「Шило」,意為「錐子」)服役之後,發生許多操作上的嚴重問題,導致蘇聯飛行員給予的一般評價不高,維護成本也相當高。 1959年 蘇聯空軍 科學研究 …
Tu-22М3 - Tupolev
Tu-22М3 long-range supersonic missile carrier bomber (NATO codification: Backfire) is designed to destroy sea- and ground-based targets by means of guided missiles and aerial bombs. Tu-22M series aircraft are conventionally designed aircraft with a variable-swept low wing.
How Much is a Tu-22M3 Strategic Bomber With a Kh-22
2023年8月3日 · The ministry of defense of the russian federation wanted to fine those in charge of the Tu-22M3 crash RUB 97 mln, of which ₽12 mln is the cost of the Kh-22 missile lost in the fire. In 2019, the exchange rate was no more than 65 rubles per dollar.
Tupolev Tu-22M3 Strategic Bomber Specs, Cockpit, Price
The Tu-22M3 is powered by two Kuznetsov NK-25 turbofan engines mounted on the body with large air intakes and dual exhausts. Each engine produces a maximum thrust of 25,000 kg and results in better fuel savings.
Tupolev Tu-22M3 Backfire C Bomber - Air Power Australia
The Tupolev Tu-22M3 Backfire C. The latest variant of the Backfire is the third generation Tu-22M3 Backfire C model, which remained in production until 1993. The earliest origins of the Backfire were in the earlier Tu-22 Blinder, a Russian analogue to the US B-58 Hustler.
Tupolev Tu-22M Strategic Bomber - Airforce Technology
2012年9月10日 · The Tupolev Tu-22M (also known as Backfire) is a long-range strategic and maritime strike bomber developed by Tupolev for the Soviet Air Force. The cockpit of Tupolev Tu-22M3 long-range bomber is equipped with multiple panels. Image courtesy of Vitaly V. Kuzmin.
Tupolew Tu-22M – Wikipedia
Die Tupolew Tu-22M (russisch Туполев Ту-22М, NATO-Codename: Backfire) ist ein vom sowjetischen Konstruktionsbüro Tupolew entwickelter viersitziger Schwenkflügel-Überschallbomber. Nach ihrer Identifizierung durch die NATO wurde sie mit der vermuteten Bezeichnung „Tu-26“ benannt.
逆火不死,图-22M3轰炸机的新生 - 腾讯网
2020年1月19日 · 图-22M3M与老“逆火”相比有两个明显的外部特征,该机尾炮已被拆除,代之以自卫电子设备,此外在机鼻顶部增加了一个鼓包整流罩,用于容纳可收放加油探管。 1979年根据美苏武器限制跳跃,图-22“逆火”被取消了空中加油能力,新制造的飞机取消了机鼻加油探管,已出厂飞机的该装置也被拆除。 图-22M3M原型机. 图-22M3M在外观上的变化. 漫漫升级路. 图波列夫设计局对图-22M3的改进计划由来已久,早在1983年,设计局就启动了图-22M4项目。
Russian Tu-22M3 Crashes In Southwestern Russia, Ukraine Claims …
2024年4月19日 · During tonight’s Missile Attack against Ukraine, a Tu-22M3 “Backfire” Strategic Bomber with the Russian Aerospace Forces reportedly Crashed in the Stavropol Krai Region of Southwestern ...
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