Tupolev Tu-244 - Wikipedia
The Tupolev Tu-244 was a proposed supersonic transport (SST) aircraft, developed from the Tu-144. It implemented novel features such as cryogenic fuel to enable flight distances of up to 10,000 km (6,200 mi) and would have carried up to 300 passengers.
Tupolev Tu-204 - Wikipedia
The Tupolev Tu-204 (Russian: Туполев Ту-204) is a twin-engined medium- range narrow-body jet airliner capable of carrying 210 passengers, designed by Tupolev and produced by Aviastar-SP and Kazan Aircraft Production Association.
List of Tupolev aircraft - Wikipedia
This is a list of aircraft produced by Tupolev, a Russian aircraft manufacturer. ANT-1: The first aircraft by A.N.T. and the first Soviet-built aircraft. Mixed materials design. The work started in 1921. Assembly began in 1922. First flight took place in 1923. The tests were cancelled due to engine malfunction. ANT-2: Two passenger aircraft.
图-214 - 百度百科
图-214是俄罗斯图波列夫航空科学技术联合体研制的双发中程客机,是该联合体研制的第一种真正现代化的客机,用于取代图-154客机。 该机于1983年开始研究,1985年进行初步详细设计,1989年1月进行首飞,1991年取得型号合格证,1992年初开始交付独联体国家的航空公司使用。 2025年2月,俄罗斯工业和贸易部长安东∙阿里汗诺夫在俄罗斯航空基础设施展览会(NAIS)全体会议上表示,俄罗斯首批图-214飞机预计将于2025年交付使用。
Tu-244 (航空機) - Wikipedia
ツポレフ Tu-244 (ツポレフ244; ロシア語: Ty-244トゥー・ドヴァー・ストー・ソーラック・チトゥイリェ)とは、 ロシア の航空機設計機関である ツポレフ が開発しようとしている、第二世代の超音速旅客機であるが、 2023年 現在実際に製作着手はされていない模様である。 かつてツポレフは ソ連 時代に Tu-144 を開発した実績があった。 しかしTu-144は経済性など様々な問題があったため商業路線で100便ほど運航されたにとどまった。 そのため、ツポレフはTu-144 …
Tu-224: different class of aircraft | News | Flight Global
1997年1月14日 · The Tu-224 may look like the 757 and have a similar seating capacity to that of the A321, but, despite Rolls-Royce RB.211 engines and Western avionics, the Tu-224 falls into a different...
Tu-224 - SKYbrary Aviation Safety
Tu-224. Manufacturer. TUPOLEV. Type Designator. T204. Aircraft type. LandPlane. Engine Type. Jet. Wake Turbulence Category (WTC) M. Engine Count. 2. SKYbrary Partners: Safety knowledge contributed by: Join SKYbrary. If you wish to contribute or participate in the discussions about articles you are invited to join SKYbrary as a registered user.
The Tupolev Tu-204, Tu-214, Tu-224 & Tu-234 - Blogger
The Tupolev Tu-204 is a medium range narrowbody twinjet and was the first Russian airliner to fly with western engines. Tupolev began development of the Tu-204 to meet an Aeroflot requirement for a replacement for the medium range Tu-154 trijet.
Tu-204 / Tu-214 - GlobalSecurity.org
The Tu-224 (alternatively Tu-204-320) and Tu-234 (alternatively Tu-204-300) were announced 1994 as trunk route versions of the Tu-204 with shorter fuselage.
TU-144 SST : TECHNICAL SPECS : TU-244 SST-2 - Tupolev Tu-144
Finally only one aircraft was modified and designated Tu-144LL Flying Laboratory. During 25 years the program for the development of a SST-2 has generated many proposals. From a plane of 360 tons, more than 300 passengers and 8,000 km of flight range until the less ambitious, but more real, of 260 tons, 170 passengers and a range between 7,000 ...