Preferential preservation of pre-aged terrestrial organic carbon by ...
2023年3月15日 · We examined OC and its carbon isotopic composition (Δ14 C bulk, δ 13 C bulk), specific surface area (SSA), grain size composition, lignin phenols, Fe R, Mössbauer spectroscopy, and isotopic signatures of OC-FeR (Δ 14 C OC-FeR, δ 13 C OC-FeR) in SPM and surface sediments of the Changjiang Estuary.
HaojiongZhang/TUH-EEG-Dataset - GitHub
This project seeks to acquire and reformat the 30,000 EEG patient files provided by the Temple Univeristy Hospital into a database that's easy for acquiring clean epochs for training machine learning models and to gain a global view about the connections between each …
SeaWorld - Let's Learn About Whales!
SeaWorld has stopped their captive breeding program of orcas specifically, but they still breed dolphins, belugas, and pinnipeds. I think that this needs to stop. SeaWorld pioneered effective captive breeding and transport, as well as animal husbandry with orcas. Without them, we would probably not know orca as intimately as we do.
Temple University EEG Corpus - Downloads - Picone Press
The TUH EEG Artifact Corpus (TUAR: v3.0.1): This subset of TUEG that contains annotations of 5 different artifacts: (1) eye movement (EYEM), (2) chewing (CHEW), (3) shivering (SHIV), (4) electrode pop, electrode static, and lead artifacts (ELPP), and (5) muscle artifacts (MUSC).
tuar - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2025年1月2日 · tuar (present analytic tuarann, future analytic tuarfaidh, verbal noun tuar, past participle tuartha) augur, forebode presage deserve, merit
The Temple University Artifact Corpus: An Annotated Corpus …
2020年12月5日 · In this work we present the implementation of an artifact detection algorithm based on a minimal number of EEG channels on a parallel ultra-low-power (PULP) embedded platform. The analyses are...
Tuar - Killer Whale Wiki | Fandom
-Tuar (pronounced too-ARR) is a 25-year-old male killer whale who currently lives at SeaWorld San Antonio. He was born tail-first on 7:53 PM on June 22nd, 1999 at SeaWorld Orlando. His mother is Kalina, a 50% Icelandic, 50% Southern resident …
Tuar | SeaWorld Wikia | Fandom
Tuar is a 16-year-old orca living at SeaWorld San Antonio. He was born at SeaWorld Orlando to Kalina and Tilikum on June 22, 1999. He was sent to SeaWorld San Antonio on April 25, 2004, since he and Tekoa were considered excess whales.
【游侠导读】今天为大家带来动作策略科幻游戏《Taur》1.1全文本汉化补丁,,在为保护Tauron机器人的家乡免受无情的入侵而战斗时,建造炮塔,机器人,飞机等。 新闻 动作策略科幻游戏《Taur》全文本汉化补丁发布! 【游侠导读】今天为大家带来动作策略科幻游戏《Taur》全文本汉化补丁,在为保护Tauron机器人的家乡免受无情的入侵而战斗时,建造炮塔,机器人,飞机等。 Taur是一款动作策略科幻游戏。 游侠网Taur专区为大家带来最新的中文版下载,第一手资 …
《Taur》1.4完整汉化补丁发布!内核汉化支持正版_游侠网 Ali213.net
2023年4月30日 · 《Taur》是一款 动作 策略 科幻游戏。 控制总理大炮并解锁其所有强大的武器和能力。 在为保护Tauron机器人的家乡免受无情的入侵而战斗时,建造炮塔,机器人,飞机等。 【汉化人员】 【汉化截图】 更多内容: Taur专题 Taur论坛. 《Taur》是一款动作策略科幻游戏。 控制总理大炮并解锁其所有强大的武器和能力。 在为保护Tauron机器人的家乡免受无情的入侵而战斗时,建造炮塔,机器人,飞机等。