Tughril I - Wikipedia
Abu Talib Muhammad Tughril ibn Mika'il (Persian: ابوطالبْ محمد طغرل بن میکائیل), better known as Tughril (طغرل / طغریل; also spelled Toghril / Tughrul), was a Turkoman [4] [5] chieftain, who founded the Seljuk Empire, ruling from 1037 to 1063.
Toghrul III - Wikipedia
The Great Seljuk Empire, founded by Tughril and significantly expanded by Alp Arslan, stretched from Anatolia and Syria in the west to the Ghaznavid Empire in the east, from the Black and Caspian Sea and the Syr Darya in the north and Persian Gulf in the south. [5] [6] The empire had fragmented when Arslan Shah II assumed the throne in 1161.
Tughril II - Wikipedia
Rukn al-Dunya wa'l-Din Abu Talib Tughril bin Muhammad (c. 1109 – 24 October 1134 [1]) known as Tughril II was the Sejluk sultan of Persian Iraq briefly in 1132. He maintained power through the support of his uncle, the principal Seljuk sultan Ahmad Sanjar (r.
Tughril - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Abu Talib Muhammad Tughril ibn Mika'il (Persian: ابوطالب محمد تغریل بن میکائیل), better known as Tughril (طغریل; also spelled Toghril), was a Turkoman [3] [4] chieftain, who founded the Seljuk Empire, ruling from 1037 to 1063.
图格里勒·贝格 - 百度百科
图格里勒·贝格( 土克曼语 :Togrul beg,波斯语:ركن دين أبو طالب طغرل بيك محمد بن ميكائيل بن سلجوق,Rukn Dīn Abū Ṭalīb Ṭughril Bayk Muḥammad ibn Mīkā'īl ibn Saljūq。 有时亦拼为Toghrul I、Tugril,Toghril、Tugrul或Toghrïl Beg等。990年-1063年9月4日),又译为图格鲁勒·贝格、图格鲁 …
Toghrïl Beg | Founder of Seljuk Dynasty | Britannica
Toghrïl Beg (born c. 990—died Sept. 4, 1063, Rayy, Iran) was the founder of the Seljuq dynasty, which ruled in Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Anatolia during the 11th– 14th centuries. Under his rule the Seljuqs assumed the leadership of the Islamic world by establishing political mastery over the ʿAbbāsid caliphate in Baghdad.. The grandson of Seljuq, chief of the Oğuz tribes in the Jand ...
Death of Sultan Tughril Beg - albidayahhistory.com
2024年11月19日 · Sultan Tughril Bruled the Seljuk Empire until his death on September 4, 1063, in the city of Rey. He died childless, leaving behind a contested succession.
Great Seljuk Empire: Facts and Accomplishments
2023年9月11日 · Under the leadership of Tughril I and his successors, the Seljuk Empire expanded rapidly. It came to encompass a vast territory, including parts of Iran, Iraq, Anatolia (modern-day Turkey), and beyond. The Seljuks played a key role in the Turkification and Islamization of these regions.
Seljuk Dynasty: History, Origins, Rulers, & Facts
2023年9月11日 · The first ruler of the Seljuk Empire was Tughril (c. 993-1063), who was born Abu Talib Muhammad Tughril ibn Mika’il. Tughril is regarded as the founder of the Seljuk Empire. He was powerful military leader who brought many Turkmen warriors …
Seljuk Empire: Origins, Formation, Rulers, & Facts
2021年10月27日 · The first ruler of the Seljuk Empire was Tughril (c. 993-1063), who was born Abu Talib Muhammad Tughril ibn Mika’il. Tughril is regarded as the founder of the Seljuk Empire. Tughril, who co-ruled with his brother Chagri, was a powerful military leader who brought many Turkmen warriors of Central Asia under his control.